Creating or editing a ratio

You can create ratios between selected events and dimensions.

About this task

The creation and reporting on ratio anomaly detection is an enhancement that is associated with HCL Discover.

Ratios enable you to calculate deviations between two events or two dimensions.

  • Event ratios: If you add an event to the numerator or the denominator, you cannot add a dimension to be the other denominator or numerator.
  • Dimension ratios: If you want to calculate dimension deviations on a ratio, you must add a dimension to the numerator or denominator. You are then restricted to adding only events that share the previously selected dimension as the other element of the ratio. You must pick the specific fact/report group for the second element.

For example, to compute a ratio between Abandon Cart and Checkout by state, you must select the following as the denominator:

+ Checkout
    + Demographics
        + State

After you select the State dimension, you are restricted to adding to the numerator only events that contain the State dimension. In our example, you would select the following as the numerator:

+ Abandon Cart
    + Report Group
        + State


  1. Click New Ratio.
  2. Enter a name for the ratio.
  3. Enter a meaningful description of the ratio. You might want to include the names of the events or dimensions that are part of the ratio.
  4. Select how frequently to calculate the ratio:
    • Daily
    • Hourly
  5. Select the items whose ratio you want to calculate.
    • To view the list by event label, click the View by Labels check box.
    • To display all active and inactive events, clear the Filter textbox and click the Show All Events check box.
    • To filter the list of events, start typing text in the Filter textbox.
  6. To add a numerator, select an event and click the upper |> button. The event is added as a numerator.
  7. To select a dimension for the ratio, click the arrow on the right side of the numerator to display the menu.
  8. To add a denominator, select an event and click the lower |> button. The event is added as a denominator.
  9. To save your ratio as a draft, click Save Draft . Saving a draft saves the item to the session cache on the server. Changes must be committed before they are applied to the incoming session data.