Usability report group templates

For HCL Discover, the base report group template is Standard. This report group template supports up to four dimensions of your choosing.

For HCL Discover Usability, if you want to associate the usability data with other dimensions for cross-dimensional reporting, you can use report group templates as the basis for creating new report groups. A report group template is a template that contains pre-configured dimensions for a new report group when it is created. The report group template can be selected when you create a report group.

Note: You can create multiple of custom report groups from these templates. Only report groups that are based on these associated templates are available for usability events.
Note: You cannot make report group templates.

The following report group templates are available to capture for HCL Discover Usability:

Note: A report group that is created from one of the HCL Discover Usability report group templates can contain up to eight dimensions.
Note: After you select a report group template, choosing a new report group template automatically removes all dimensions from the report group and starts with the included dimensions of the newly selected report group template.
Table 1. Usability Report Group Templates
Name Description
Usability - Click Events operating on comparison analytics, heat map, or link analytics data require these contextual dimensions
Usability - Attention Map Events operating on attention map data require these contextual dimensions
Usability - Form Analytics Events operating on form analytics data require these contextual dimensions

For more information, see Manage Events - Dimensions Tab.