Creating canister alerts

A canister alert is a Discover alert that is triggered when a threshold was exceeded on one of the many statistics that are generated from the Discover canisters. A Discover canister may process a high volume of data, so you can create canister alerts to identify when potential issues may be occurring in the canister. By monitoring one or more threshold levels in the reported Canister statistics, you may be able to alert the appropriate personnel before a potential issue causes a significant problem. The Canister statistics are also published in the Portal in a System Status report. For definitions of these statistics, see "System Status" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.

To create a canister alert, click the Alert tab in the Discover Event Manager; then, select New Canister Alert.... The following dialog is displayed:

The alert properties window for canister alerts is similar to the window for configuring event-based alerts. The following properties are specific to Canister alerts:

Select the Canister server or servers from which to gather event values. To gather Canister event statistics from all Canisters, select Sum All Servers.

For more information about the other properties: