Alert blackout properties

An alert blackout is a time frame in which an alert is prevented from triggering. You can use blackouts to avoid generating skewed event values that might be generated because of system backups, restarts, and other activities.

About this task

You can specify one time period per day to blackout an alert. For example, you can configure an alert blackout out from 2100 hours to 2200 hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday.

You can also configure alert blackouts during the same time frame every day by selecting Enable Common Blackout and selecting a time period.


Complete the following steps to configure an alert blackout:
  1. Click the Enable Alert Blackout check box.
  2. Select the days of the week for the blackout, and click the View/Edit button against the days.
  3. In the Blackout Interval window, configure the start time and the end time for the alert blackout, and click Save.
    Note: You can use the Blackout Interval window to configure multiple blackouts on the same day.
  4. To configure a common blackout for multiple days, in the Edit Alert window, select the days and click the Enable Common Blackout check box.
  5. Click the View/Edit button.
  6. In the Blackout Interval window, configure the start time and the end time for the alert blackout, and click Save.

    Time is the Discover system time. See "Configuring the System Timezone" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.