
Default logging behaviors

For Discover system dimensions, logging is enabled by default. However, you must specify the whitelists, blacklists, or group lists for accepted values before data begins to appear in these dimensions.

For user-created dimensions, logging is disabled by default. To begin populating dimensions with values, do the following:

Aggregating data log values

By default, log values are gathered from the Canisters and inserted into the database on an hourly basis. After the Data Collector process runs at ten minutes past the hour, these values become available for use in specifying whitelists, blacklists, and group lists.

  • If needed, you can configure the aggregation of these values to be on a daily or weekly basis at a specified, off-peak time.
  • Aggregation of dimension log values can be disabled.
  • See "Data Aggregation and Retention" in the Unica Discover Administration Manual.