Managing a job stream definition from the Dynamic Workload Console

You can manage a job stream, add a run cycle, add jobs, and define an event rule.

About this task

The purpose of the following scenario is to show how to create a job stream, add a run cycle and add jobs in the context of an example.

The scope of the scenario is to create a job stream named “PAYROLL_PROC_21” that monthly creates and uploads payrolls for the year 2021 into the payroll management system.


  1. Create a job stream and define general information about it:
    1. From the Design menu, click Workload Designer page, and then select the engine.
    2. In Explore area, click Create new + and select Job stream.
    3. In General Info, in Folder, select 2021.
      Note: If the 2021 folder does not exist, you can create it by clicking Create new and choosing Folder.
    4. In General Info, in Name, type PAYROLL_PROC_21.
    5. In General Info, in Workstation, select MDM_production.
  2. Add a run cycle to the job stream:
    1. In the job stream expandable row, click + Add run cycle.
    2. In General Info, in Name, type RC1.
    3. In General Info, in Starting, select 30th April.
    4. In Rule, in Repeat schedule, select Monthly by month day.
    5. In Rule, in On the (descending order), select Last Day.
  3. Add the existing jobs to the job stream:
    1. In the job stream expandable row, click + Add job.
    2. Browse the following jobs and add them to the job stream:
      • DB_BACKUP
      • ABSENCES
      • RESTART_DB
      • ABSENCES_2
  4. Save the job stream.


You created a job stream that monthly creates and uploads payrolls for the year 2021 into the payroll management system.