Managing a folder definition from the Orchestration CLI

In this topic you can find the syntax to manage a folder definition.

You can move items to a specific folder by using the ocli modelrename command.

If no folder is defined for an item, the default folder (/) is used. For more information, see: Configuring Orchestration CLI

Each folder definition has the following format and arguments:


folder foldername
folder foldername/foldername


folder foldername

The name must start with a letter or a number, and can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores.

The name of the folder cannot contain spaces. You must include a forward slash (/) before the folder name if you want to define an absolute path, while it is not required for relative paths.

In this field, do not use any of the words specified in Installing command line.

This keyword is optional.
The following table shows the supported commands:
Table 1. Folder commands
Command Description
Model Plan
list listfolder Use this command to list all the folder contained in the root or in a specific folder.
mkfolder - Use this command to define a new folder in the database.
delete - Use this command to remove a folder defined in the database.
rename - Use this command to modify the name of a folder definition in the database.
renamefolder - Use this command to rename a folder definition.
rmfolder - Use this command to delete a folder in the database.
The following example defines a folder named Europe, and two folders nested within each other: England and London:
folder Europe
folder Europe/England
folder Europe/England/London
The folders are thus created as follows:
  • The folder "Europe" is created in the default folder.
  • The sub-folder "England" is created in the "Europe" folder.
  • The sub-folder "London" is created in the "England" folder
In this example, the sub-folders "England" and "London" are nested into the folder "Europe" that has been created in the default folder.