
You can use the list command to view information about all the installed job and event plug-ins. The command shows details such as, name, ID, type, and version of each plug-in.

Syntax and command line options

You can enter the command as follows:
ocli plugin [list | l ] [plugin_name] ;[type=plugin_type] ;[version=version] ;[noid]
You can add anyone or combination of these parameters to view specific results. You must have LIST_PLUGIN access to run this command. For more information, see Access required to run Orchestration CLI commands.The details required with each parameter are as follows:
You can specify the plug-in name. Wildcard characters are supported.
You can specify the plug-in type. The supported values are job, event, or both, and the default value is both.
You can specify the version of the plug-in.
When you install a plug-in, a unique ID is created for that particular plug-in. If you run the list command, the IDs for the plug-ins are also displayed. You can use the noid option with the command to display the results without these IDs.


  1. To view all the plug-ins available in your database, run the following command:
    ocli plugin list
  2. To list the version of ServiceNow plug-in, run the following command:
    ocli plugin list ServiceNow type=job version=
  3. To list all the plug-ins without the ID, run the following command:
    ocli plugin list @ noid
    You can use any wildcards instead of @. Enter the plug-in name instead of @, if you want list a specific plug-in.