
You can use the delete command to remove any plug-in from the database.


You can run the delete command to remove a single plug-in or multiple plug-ins. Use wildcards to remove multiple plug-ins. If you delete a plug-in, the action is permanent and cannot be reversed. You must have DELETE_PLUGIN access to run this command. For more information, see Access required to run Orchestration CLI commands.
  1. You can remove the sole version of a plug-in If the following conditions are met:
    • If a JobInPlan uses the plug-in, then it must be in one of the final states (SUCC, FAIL, ABEND, or SUPPR).
    • No Job definitions in the database use the plug-in.
  2. When you remove a plug-in, there is a delay in completing the operation. This delay is customizable with a default value of 10 minutes. It is recommended not to attempt to save a job definition that contains the same plug-in during this period. Although the job can be saved, it cannot run because the plug-in has been deleted. If you want to customize the delay, modify the value for UNO_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SECONDS in helm charts.

Syntax and command line options

You can enter the command as follows;
ocli plugin [delete | d ] plugin_name [;type=plugin_type] [;version=plugin_verison] [;noask]
Only the plugin_name parameter is mandatory. The details required with each parameter are as follows:
Specify the plug-in to delete. Wildcard characters are supported.
Specify the the type of plug-in and possible values are job and event.
Specify the version of the plug-in.

When you add the noask option as an argument, the agent does not ask for confirmation before it acts on each qualifying item.


  1. Run the following command to delete multiple plug-ins starting with the name AWS.
    ocli plugin delete AWS@
  2. Run the following command to delete ServiceNow plug-in.
    ocli plugin delete ServiceNow