List of IMA flows

The IMA project contains the following flows and FAQs for the Unica products such as Segment Central, Audience Central, Contact Central, Campaign, Journey, Interact, Plan, Content Integration, Insights Reports, Cloud Native, Deliver, and Platform, Centralized Offer Management. These flows are combined to create the IMA use cases.

Flow Description
Preliminary To set all the Unica journey environment variables in the IntelliService environment to run all the journey analytic use cases.
MainGreetingFlow To initiate the conversation in the desired way.
TotalAudienceFlow To get the list of customers who accepted/rejected all the journeys from the configured folders of Unica Journey till date and over any time-period.
TotalChannelFlow To get the list of email/sms/push notifications sent/delivered for all the journeys from the configured folders of Unica Journey till date and over any time-period.
NoOfActiveJourneysFlow To get the number of active journeys currently available in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
NoOfCompletedJourneysFlow To get the number of completed journeys currently available in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
NoOfDraftJourneysFlow To get the number of pre-published journeys currently available in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
NoOfPausedJourneysFlow To get the number of paused journeys currently available in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
KnowAboutJourney To get goals/milestones/customer count/channel performance/touch-point performance/associated dd/associated es details for any single journey.
JourneyESFlow To get the entry source details for any single journey.
JourneyDDFlow To get the data definition details for any single journey.
JourneyMilestonesFlow To get the milestone details for any single journey till date.
JourneyGoalsFlow To get the goals details for any single journey till date and over any time-period.
JourneyChannelFlow To get the details for any channel (email/sms/push notification) for any single journey till date and over any time-period.
JourneyTouchpointFlow To get the details of the touch-points for any channel (email/sms/push notification) for any single journey till date and over any time-period.
JourneyAudienceFlow To get the audience data for any single journey till date and over any time-period.
ListOfActiveJourneysFlow To get the list of active journeys currently available or over any time-period in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
ListOfCompletedJourneysFlow To get the list of completed journeys currently available or over any time-period in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
ListOfDraftJourneysFlow To get the list of pre-published journeys currently available or over any time-period in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
ListOfPausedJourneysFlow To get the list of paused journeys currently available or over any time-period in the configured folders of Unica Journey.
SuccessfulJourneysFlow To get the list of journeys in the configured folders of Unica Journey which have been successful till date or over any time-period.
UnsuccessfulJourneysFlow To get the list of journeys in the configured folders of Unica Journey which have been unsuccessful till date or over any time-period.
PreliminaryForCS To set all the parameter values to be able to perform cognitive search in the knowledge repository of IntelliService (Unica product PDF).
CS To get the responses for Unica product queries from the knowledge repository (Unica product PDF).