Configure Unica parameters

After importing the INLSolution project into IntelliService, configure the Unica environment parameters in the imported flows.

To configure the Unica parameters into IntelliService flows, follow the steps below:

  1. After importing the ILNSolution project into IntelliService, make sure to configure the parameters as follows:
    1. baseURL: the URL of the Unica environment, where the journeys and the interact offers are available.
    2. Configure Unica Interact parameters:
      1. audienceIDFieldName: the audienceIDField field to be used to start session with Interact.
      2. audienceIDFieldType: the type of the audienceIDField field to be used to start session with Interact.
      3. icValue: the interactive channel setup in Interact.
      4. audienceLevelValue: the audienceLevel field to be used to start session with Interact.
      5. ipValue: the IP Name or the Interaction Point that has been used to create the offers in Interact.
      6. eventToLogData: the event that has been created in Interact to push data into Interact.
      7. eventToReseg: the event that has been created in Interact to do re-segmentation of customers.
      8. interactDB: the database in Interact into which customer data can be pushed.
    3. interactDefaultOffers: the default offers created in Interact (the Offer name and code).
    4. interactActivateOfferCode: the code for the activation offers created in Interact.
    5. interactUpgradeOfferCode: the code for the upgrade offers created in Interact.
    6. Configure Journey parameters:
      1. journey3rdPartyClientId: the client id for third party login to generate token to push data into journey through REST API.
      2. journey3rdPartyClientSecret: the client secret key for third party login to generate token to push data into journey through REST API.
      3. journeyESId: the entry source id to push data into configured journey through REST API.
  2. Create a virtual assistant and embed the VA in to your home page. For more information on embedding the virtual assistant, refer Embed flow into User home page.
    Note: Please make sure appropriate parameters (and their values) have been used to call all the APIs available in the "GetProfile", "GetOffers", "IdentifyUser", "Resegmentation" and "PostDetails" flows of the "ILNSolution" project in IntelliService environment.