Create and configure resource

To create a resource in Azure portal, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign into the Azure portal. On the Azure portal menu or from the Homepage, click Create a resource.
  2. Select Containers from the categories > Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
  3. In the Create a resource group page, on the basic tab, select an Azure Subscription, and create an Azure Resource group, such as “myResourceGroup”.
  4. In the Cluster details, select the Preset configuration as Standard ($$).
  5. In the cluster name, enter a Kubernetes cluster name, such as “myAKSCluster”.
  6. Select a region for the AKS cluster and set the default value selected for Kubernetes version.
  7. Make sure to select the API server availability value as 99.5%.
  8. In the Primary node pool section, keep the default selected values like shown in the image below.

  9. Click Next: Node pools to complete.
    Note: Node Pool configuration (2 Nodes with 8 vCPU, 16 GB RAM and 2 Nodes with 8 vCPU, 32 GB RAM)
  10. Create VM in the same Resource group of above cluster for installing and configuring Elasticsearch. (1 VM with 6 vCPU and 16 GB RAM, 400 GB Harddisk).