Session Manager Online

ZIEWin uses the ZIE service manager (referred to, as 'ZIE Server' going forward) to provide auto-upgrade capability and centralized management of configuration files.

The Session Manager Online notifies users if any new version of Z and I Emulator for Windows is available online for update on the configured Web Server.

After confirmation from the User, Z and I Emulator for Windows will be auto-upgraded to newer versions. Z and I Emulator for Windows uses the Session Manager Online dialog to provide easy access to connect to the ZIE Server and work with workstation profiles and batch files online. Users can configure the ZIE Server and work with their User Profiles in the Online mode, but by default, are not allowed to create new user entries on the server, unless permitted to do so, by a system administrator. To enable users to be able to create user entries, a ZIEWeb (Z and I Emulator for Web) administrator must enable the “Allow users to create accounts" check box on the ZIE for Web Server, using the ZIEWeb (Z and I Emulator for Web) Administration Console. The new users that are created are added to the "ZIEWin" group on the ZIE Server.

The ZIE Server can either be configured by providing the required server details in the 'InstallShield Wizard' at the time of ZIEWin installation itself, or can be added/updated in the 'ZIE Server Detail' section of the Advanced tab within the Preferences. Users can migrate the Workstation profiles and batch files from Application Data location, upon login to the ZIE Server. If the User chooses to migrate, the Workstation profiles, batch files and their dependent files available on "Application Data" location get migrated

List of the supported files for online option are below:
  • .ws (Workstation profile)
  • .bch - (Multiple Sessions or Batch)
  • .pmp (Popup-Keypad Configuration)
  • .kmp (Keyboard Configuration)
  • .bar ( Toolbar Setup)
  • .mmp (Mouse Setup)
  • .xlt (Translation Table)
  • .cmp (Color mapping configuration file)

Multiple instances of the Session Manager (offline) can be invoked at a time, but for Session Manager Online, only one instance can be invoked at a time. An instance of Session Manager Online and Session Manager (offline) can both be operated simultaneously.

First time configuration of the Online Session Manager :

When you select Start or Configure Sessions - Online for the first time from the Windows Start menu, the 'Z and I Emulator for Windows: Online' panel is displayed with the following tabs :
  • Create User :
    The 'Create User' window containing the fields, 'User Name', 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' is displayed to a user who launches the 'Z and I Emulator for Windows: Online' for the first time, to create a new User entry on the Server. (The New User entry will be created only if the entered User name and Password matches the required criteria. For more information about the criteria for valid user credentials, see the 'Quick Beginnings' book by selecting it from the Help menu.) You can also click on 'Existing User' on the Create User page to use an existing ID on the server, instead of creating a new User entry.
    Note: After the successful creation of a user on the server and after migrating the user's profiles to the server successfully, the 'Create User' tab will not appear again and the user will be directly taken to the 'Login' page, upon launching the 'Z and I Emulator for Windows: Online' subsequently.
  • Login :

    After creating a user, Login window appears with username and password fields for user to login. If user wants to create a new user, user can go back to 'Create User' window by clicking on create-user link. User can also change the password by checking the box of 'Change Password', while logging in. Once the login is successful, user is directed to profile migration window.

  • Profile Migration :

    After a successful Login using an existing User Profile stored on the ZIE server, or upon the first time creation of a new User profile and connecting to the ZIE server, the user is taken to the 'Profile Migration' tab which gives the option to migrate (or upload) existing local user profiles (offline profiles) from the particular user's client machine to the ZIE server. The profiles that are migrated will be listed on the ZIE server as a server copy and can be retrieved for use thereafter, even if the offline copy of the profile is deleted from the client machine.

Session Manager - Online LOGIN Screen :

The Login Screen is the default page that opens whenever the Online Session Manager is launched, if a User is already created on the server and the Profile migration is also completed successfully. A user can login to the Online session manager using any of the User Profiles that were created on the ZIE server. The user can also change the password by clicking on the check box for 'Change Password' on the Login page. If the user name or password entered on the Login page are incorrect, the user gets prompted to either 'Re-try with different credentials' to Login again, or, to 'Run offline', i.e, to close the Online Session Manager and launch the Offline Session Manager instead. After successful logon, profiles will be retrieved from the ZIE server, and can be viewed in the sessions list.

Interoperability between ZIEWin and ZIEWeb clients:

ZIEWin v2.1introduced interoperability between ZIEWin and ZIEWeb (Host On-Demand) clients. This allows ZIEWin sessions to be accessed through ZIEWeb and ZIEweb - Web Client products after the session definitions were migrated (uploaded) to the ZIE server.

From v2.1 onwards, ZIEWin client communicates with the ZIE server over HTTP/HTTPS connectivity using JSON data.

For Managed ZIEWin users configured with ZIE server of version lower than v2.0, a migration utility has been provided along with ZIEWeb v2.0 server component, to migrate the ZIEWin session definitions stored on the ZIE server to the new format. The migration is a pre-requisite for those who plan to migrate their ZIEWeb server to v2.0 and ZIEWin client to v2.0 or higher.

Password provided during the user creation will be encrypted using AES 128-bit algorithm and sent to the server through the HTTP/HTTPS protocol as a JSON object. UID is added to the WS and BCH profile files for the unique identification. Only connection parameters are considered for the interoperability between ZIEWin and ZIEWeb clients and vice-versa.

After the ZIEWin sessions are converted and stored in the ZIE server, any changes made to the common parameters from any of the clients will be saved on the ZIE server. These parameter changes will be available to ZIEWinusers after the next login.

For more information on ZIEWeb - ZIEWin interoperability and common parameters, refer to Interoperability between HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows and HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Clients

Session Manager Online Options :
  • Start

    Select one or more sessions or batch files in the Online mode, and click this button to start.

  • New Session

    Click this button to bring up the Customize Communication panel in the Online mode.

  • New Multiple Sessions

    Click this button to bring up the Create/Modify Batch File pane in the Online mode. You must be authorized in the System Policy to use this option.

  • Logout

    Click on this button to Logout from the Online Session Manager. It will prompt for a confirmation. When User confirms the logout, all the active online sessions will be ended automatically without any more confirmation for exit or Save. Session Manager Online's login screen will be displayed.

File menu options
  • Upload

    This option allows user to select and upload sessions or batch files to the ZIE server. Upload of user profile file will also upload the dependent configuration files ( like a .kmp file when associated with a .ws file etc) available in the same directory.

  • Download

    This option allows users to Download the profile files or batch files from the ZIE Server to the selected directory. Download of user profile file will also download the dependent configuration files ( like a .kmp file when associated with a .ws file etc).

  • Exit

    Clicking on Exit, will prompt for the confirmation, if user confirms the exit, the active online sessions will ended and the application is closed.

View menu options
  • Sessions

    This option shows all valid workstation profiles that have the standard .WS extension and are available in the ZIE Server.

  • Multiple Sessions

    This option shows all valid batch files that have the standard .BCH extension and are available in the ZIE Server.

  • Large Icons

    This option shows large session icons in the Session Manager.

  • Small Icons

    This option shows small session icons in the Session Manager.

  • Details
    The following session detail information is displayed in the panel columns. The columns can be resized as needed.
    • File Name
    • File Extension
    • Type

      Session or Batch file

    • Description

      Shows the information specified in the Description= field in the .WS file

    • Host Name (not shown for batch files)

      Shows the host name for a Telnet session. If the session is not Telnet, other relevant information is shown (for example, the .ACG file name for SNA).

    • Host Type (not shown for batch files)

      Shows the host type specified in the Customize Communication dialog during session configuration

    • Interface (not shown for batch files)

      Shows the interface specified in the Customize Communication dialog during session configuration

    • Attachment (not shown for batch files)

      Shows the attachment specified in the Customize Communication dialog during session configuration

    • Session Type (not shown for batch files)

      Printer or Display

  • All File Extensions

    This option shows all valid multiple sessions and workstation profiles that are available in the ZIE Server, regardless of extension.

  • Hidden

    This option shows files that have been previously hidden using the right-click menu option. If this option is selected, hidden sessions are shown with black-and-white icons; otherwise, they will not be displayed.

  • Refresh

    This option refreshes the Session Manager view.

Detect and Repair

Detect and Repair might be automatically initiated if the Z and I Emulator for Windows installation has been corrupted. This function uses Windows Installer to repair damage to the installed product; you may be prompted for the installation source or image.

You must be authorized in the System Policy to use this option. See Detect and Repair for more information about this feature.

Right-click menu options (contextual)
  • Start

    Starts the selected sessions

  • Delete

    Deletes the selected sessions. You must have permission in the System Policy to delete any sessions from the Session Manager.

  • Hide/Unhide

    You can hide or unhide sessions using this option. To view hidden sessions, you must select View > Hidden. Hidden sessions have black-and-white icons when displayed.

  • Modify

    This option is only available when selecting one or more batch files; the batch files are brought up in edit mode. You must have permission in the System Policy to modify batch files from the Session Manager.

Icon drag-and-drop options

You can drag an icon from the Session Manager to the Windows Start menu or to the desktop. Select the session(s) and drag with the right mouse button. A contextual menu appears when the icons are dropped, which gives you the options for moving, copying, or creating a shortcut.

If you drag an icon with the left mouse button held down, the icon is moved to that location. If you drag an icon while pressing the CTRL key and with the left mouse button held down, the icon is copied to that location. If you drag an icon while pressing the ALT key and with the left mouse button held down, a shortcut is created for the icon.

You should use the shortcut option whenever possible. Moving and copying will affect the location (and therefore the function) of the profile. Specifically, when you copy a profile to the desktop instead of creating a shortcut, you have actually created another profile. Any changes you make to the desktop profile will not be reflected in the original profile (and vice versa). Also, the desktop profile is located in the desktop folder (not in the application data folder) and will not appear in the Session Manager (the original version of the profile remains in the Session Manager).