Session Manager

Z and I Emulator for Windows uses the Session Manager dialog to provide easy access to workstation profiles and batch files. You can use the Session Manager to start a single or multiple sessions, and create a new session or batch file.
Note: The Session Manager dialog only displays workstation profiles and batch files that are located in the Application Data location that was specified during Z and I Emulator for Windows installation. See Application Data for more information about application data.

You can drag an icon from the Session Manager to the Windows® Start menu or to the desktop. Select one or more sessions and drag with the right mouse button. A contextual menu appears when the icons are dropped, which gives you the options for moving, copying, or creating a shortcut. If you drag an icon with the left mouse button held down, the icon is moved to that location. If you drag an icon while pressing the Ctrl key and with the left mouse button held down, the icon is copied to that location. If you drag an icon while pressing the Alt key and with the left mouse button held down, a shortcut is created for the icon.

You should use the shortcut option whenever possible. Moving and copying will affect the location (and therefore the function) of the profile. Specifically, when you copy a profile to the desktop instead of creating a shortcut, you have actually created another profile. Any changes you make to the desktop profile will not be reflected in the original profile (and vice versa). Also, the desktop profile is located in the desktop folder (not in the application data folder) and will not appear in the Session Manager—the original version of the profile remains in the Session Manager.