Z and I Emulator for Windows Program Icons

When you have installed Z and I Emulator for Windows, the main functions that you can use are displayed as icons. Icons are grouped in sub-folders of the HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows program folder.

A brief explanation of each function follows:

Figure wmcfgses missing
Start or Configure Sessions
Use this icon to bring up the Session Manager. This dialog allows you to start or configure sessions. During configuration, you can specify the session type, screen size, LU number, graphics support, the type of communication link and its parameters, as well as other information. You can save all this information in a workstation profile. After saving, you can start the session by just clicking the session icon. Authorized users can also create new batch files from this dialog

Figure wmcfgseso missing
Start or Configure Sessions Online
Use this icon to bring up the Session Manager Online. This dialog allows you to manage and use the online sessions available on ZIE Server. This provides option for auto install of Z and I Emulator for Windows available on ZIE Server.