Administrative and Problem Determination (PD) Aids

Figure bundler2 missing
Information Bundler
Use this icon to gather system files and specific trace and log files, as well as registry information, such as the software installed or running on a machine. This can also be run from an active session by clicking Actions → Launch → Information Bundler.

Figure wmlogv missing
Log Viewer
Use this icon to view, merge, and sort the Z and I Emulator for Windows message and trace logs. Z and I Emulator for Windows logs errors and informational messages during initialization and operation. This can also be run from an active session by selecting Actions → Launch → Log Viewer.

Figure pcsmig missing
Migration Utility
Use this icon to migrate your user-class and system-class files and desktop icons to Z and I Emulator for Windows Version 2.0.

Figure wmtrace missing
Trace Facility
Use this icon to turn trace functions on and off and to capture communication protocol information that passes between your workstation and other host systems. You can use traces to resolve communication problems. This can also be run from an active session by selecting Actions → Launch → Trace Facility.