Text Options Parameters

You can set the following parameters by selecting the Text Options tab.

Table 1. Page Setup Parameters — Text Options Tab

Group Options Setting
Print Options

These options are not available for the printer session.

Suppress Null Lines Determines whether to delete lines containing only null or non-printable characters (null or non-printable field characters, and field attributes) or to print them as null lines.
Null lines are not printed.
Not selected
Null lines are printed.
This option can be used when:
  • The Print Screen command is used
  • The combination of bits 2 and 3 of the WCC is not 00
Print Nulls as spaces Determines whether to print NULL control codes as null characters.
The codes are printed as blanks.
Not selected
The codes are treated as null characters.
This option can be used when:
  • The Print Screen command is used

Replace FF by LF

Select this option to replace a form feed by the number of lines entered in the edit box. The default is unchecked.
Note: This option is only available on TN3270/TN3270E and TN5250.