Workstation Profile Parameter for Code Page

Occasionally a font does not support the desired code page. The wrong characters may be printed within the specific character set (Latin 2, for example). Z and I Emulator for Windows has a workstation profile parameter that allows the program to use a different code page that is supported by the desired font.

You can use the PrinterFontCodePage parameter if the following conditions are met:
  • You can specify the printer font code page with which the desired font is encoded.
  • Z and I Emulator for Windows provides the translation table for the host code page and the printer font code page.

However, because some Z and I Emulator for Windows releases might require manual adjustment of the workstation profile, try using different fonts before altering the .ws file. Fonts are listed in the Z and I Emulator for Windows Page Setup panel for all display sessions and 3270 host print sessions. For 5250 print sessions, the PCSPD.DAT file can be manually changed to control the fonts used. The Courier New font should support most languages and corresponding code pages.

To edit the .ws file, you must change the PrinterFontCodePage parameter to the value of the supported code page you wish to use. This option must be put in the [Printers] section, and is case-sensitive. See the following example for the proper parameter syntax. The parameter does not need to be placed immediately after the [Printers] section label.

In this case, the desired font is encoded with code page 852. Z and I Emulator for Windows uses a different, existing translation table to translate data from EBCDIC to 852, versus using the standard Windows® code page.

This option is on the Page Setup panel for Z and I Emulator for Windows 5250 print sessions.