Notes on Using This Function

  1. An EAB can be returned when the Set Session Parameters (9) function EAB option is used. EAB is related to each character in the presentation space and is returned preceding each character.
  2. The Copy Presentation Space function is affected by the following session options:

Refer to items 5; 13, 14, 15 and 17; and sparopt.html#sparopt__opt18 and sparopt.html#sparopt__opt19 for more information.

If the target data string provided is not long enough to hold the requested data, unpredictable results can occur.

As previously stated, the return of attributes by the various Copy (5, 8, and 34) functions is affected by the Set Session Parameters (9) function. The involved set session parameters have the following effect:
Set Session Parameter
Effect on the COPY Function
Attributes are not returned. Only text is copied from the presentation space to the user buffer.
Attributes are returned as defined in the following tables.
The colors used for the presentation space display are returned. Colors can be remapped; so the attribute colors are not the ones returned by the Copy functions when XLATE and EAB are on at the same time.
When NOSO is specified, it works as SPACESO. The size of the presentation space is not changed.

The returned character attributes are defined in the following tables. The attribute bit positions are in IBM® format with bit 0 the left most bit in the byte.

3270 character attributes are returned from the host to the emulator. The following table applies when EAB and NOXLATE are set.

Bit Position Meaning
0–1 Character highlighting
  • 00 = Normal
  • 01 = Blink
  • 10 = Reverse video
  • 11 = Underline
2–4 Character color (Color remap can override this color definition.)
  • 000 = Default
  • 001 = Blue
  • 010 = Red
  • 011 = Pink
  • 100 = Green
  • 101 = Turquoise
  • 110 = Yellow
  • 111 = White
5–6 Character attribute
  • 00 = Default value
7 Reserved

5250 character attributes are returned from the host to the emulator. The following table applies when EAB and NOXLATE are set.

Bit Position Meaning
0 Reverse image
  • 0 = Normal image
  • 1 = Reverse image
1 Underline
  • 0 = No underline
  • 1 = Underline
2 Blink
  • 0 = Not blink
  • 1 = Blink
3 Separator of columns
  • 0 = No separator
  • 1 = Separator
4–7 Reserved

The following table shows Z and I Emulator for Windows character color attributes. The following table applies when EAB and XLATE are set.

Bit Position Meaning
0–3 Background character colors
  • 0000 = Black
  • 0001 = Blue
  • 0010 = Green
  • 0011 = Cyan
  • 0100 = Red
  • 0101 = Magenta
  • 0110 = Brown (3270), Yellow (5250)
  • 0111 = White
4–7 Foreground character colors
  • 0000 = Black
  • 0001 = Blue
  • 0010 = Green
  • 0011 = Cyan
  • 0100 = Red
  • 0101 = Magenta
  • 0110 = Brown (3270), Yellow (5250)
  • 0111 = White
  • 1000 = Gray
  • 1001 = Light blue
  • 1010 = Light green
  • 1011 = Light cyan
  • 1100 = Light red
  • 1101 = Light magenta
  • 1110 = Yellow
  • 1111 = White (high intensity)

For a PS/2® monochrome display, the characters in the application (workstation) session appear as various shades of gray. This is required to give users their remapped colors in the EHLLAPI application session so they can get what they see in their host application presentation spaces.

If you want to copy only a portion of the host presentation space, use the Copy Presentation Space to String (8) function.

To use this function, preallocate memory to receive the returned data string parameter. The statements required to preallocate this memory vary depending on the language in which your application is written. Refer to Memory Allocation for more information.
Note: 5250 emulation supports a presentation space of 24 rows by 80 columns. In some instances, Communication Manager 5250 emulation displays a 25th row. This occurs when either an error message from the host is displayed or when the operator selects the SysReq key. Z and I Emulator for Windows displays 25th row information on row 24, or on the status bar. For information to be displayed on the status bar, the status bar must be configured. Refer to Quick Beginnings for information on configuring the status bar. By the EXTEND_PS option, an EHLLAPI application can use the same interface with Communication Manager EHLLAPI and valid presentation space is extended when this condition occurs.