Get Request Completion (125)

3270 5250 VT
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The Get Request Completion function allows an application to determine the status of a previous asynchronous function request issued to the EHLLAPI and to obtain the function parameter list before using the data string again. This function is valid only if the user specified asynchronous (A) completion on a previous function call such as Read Structured Fields (126) or Write Structured Fields (127).

Each asynchronous request requiring the Get Request Completion function will return a unique ID from the asynchronous request. The application must save this ID. This ID is the identification used by the Get Request Completion function to identify the desired request. The user has three request options using this function:
  1. The application can query or wait for a specific asynchronous function request by supplying the request ID of that function and a nonblank session short name.
  2. The application can query or wait for the first completed asynchronous function request for a specified session by supplying a request ID of X'0000' and a nonblank session short name.