Call Parameters

Byte Definition
  Standard Interface Enhanced Interface
Function Number Must be 41
Data String See the following table
Length 5 or 6 Must be 12
PS Position NA

The data string contains the following items.

Byte Definition
Standard Enhanced  
1 1 A 1-character presentation space short name (PSID).
2–4 Reserved.
4–5 The data in these positions is ignored by EHLLAPI. However, no error is caused if the migrating program has data in these positions. This data is accepted to provide compatibility with migrating applications.
6 5 Specify M to request asynchronous message mode (Windows only).
6–8 Reserved.
2–3 9–12 When M is specified in position 5 (6 for 16-bit), the window handle of the window that receives the message should be set. The message is a return value of RegisterWindowMessage (PCSHLL) (not equal 0).