Saving macro properties

Use the Save As button to save a macro to a location that is different than the current location. 

Macro Location:

At the top of the panel, select the location where your macro should be saved. You may choose from any of the existing locations, or define a new user location. When macros are placed in a library, rather than in the Current Session, they can be easily shared by multiple users and/or sessions. See Sharing and reusing component definitions for more information. Note that you may not save a macro to a server library accessed through the internet, and thus it will not be presented as one of your choices.

User-defined Locations:

If you want to save the macro to a location other than those listed, you can use the Add... button to specify the new path. Z and I Emulator for Web will remember up to three user-defined library locations; after that the least-recently-used location will be dropped. You can also explicitly delete user locations with the Delete button. Note that you must have write access to the location you select.

Macros that you save as a file can be:

  • Shared with others: Having macros as individual files apart from the session configuration allows you to share them with others; for example, you can send and receive them as e-mail attachments.
  • Immediately available to all your sessions: If you want to use the same macro across multiple sessions, you no longer need to record a macro for each individual session. Now you can record a macro once, and it is immediately available to all your sessions.
  • Easily updated for all sessions that use them: When you use the same macro for multiple sessions, and you make changes to that macro, your changes are effective for all sessions that use the macro.

Macro names

When you save a macro as a file, the default file name is the macro name plus a .mac extension. When you save a macro to the current session, the name is simply the macro name. Macro names are case-sensitive! Therefore,


is a different name than






, and so on.

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