Advanced Options

Use this panel to define display, message, and additional parameters for this HTML file.

HTML parameters

Code base

HTML templates

Problem determination

User updates




Hide information



Server connection




Maximum sessions



HTML parameters

The Deployment Wizard automatically includes HTML parameters for all Wizard options. However, if you want to include additional options that are not shown in the Wizard, you can use this window to add the necessary parameters to include those options. To add a parameter, type the name of the parameter in the Name field, type the value in the Value field, and click Set. Do not include quotes around the names and values. The Deployment Wizard adds the parameter in the box below. To remove a parameter, highlight the parameter in the box and click Delete.

You should not manually add these parameters to the HTML file (for example, using a text editor), or they may be lost the next time you open the file with the Deployment Wizard.

To see a list of available parameters, refer to HTML parameters.

Code base

If you are publishing files generated from the Deployment Wizard to a location other than the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory, specify the URL of the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory in the Code base field. This name must either be a fully qualified URL, including the hostname (for example, http://your_ZIE_server/zieweb_publish_dir_alias/), or a relative path (for example, /zieweb_publish_dir_alias/). For more information on how and why you would want to publish files generated from the Deployment Wizard to a location other than the publish directory, see Setting up a separate user publish directory.

This code base is not the same as the code base you specify if you select the Web Start client. For more information, refer to Web Start Settings.

HTML templates

Include banners, backgrounds, images, and other HTML options in your Z and I Emulator for Web Web page by specifying a custom HTML template. Click Browse to choose the HTML template that you want to use. The template is applied to the Web page when it is created at the end of the Deployment Wizard. For information on creating custom HTML templates, see Using Custom HTML Templates.

Problem Determination

The Problem Determination window allows you enable the following debugging options:

None: No debugging.

Basic: Select this option to enable Basic debugging. This level of debugging allows Z and I Emulator for Web to write error messages to the Java Console. Optionally check the 'Include problem determination components' box to include Trace Facility, View Log Messages, and System Properties components, which are available from the Actions > Problem Determination menu in an active session. The 'Include problem determination components' box will already be checked by default if you are editing an existing HTML file that was created with problem determination configured.

Advanced: Select this option to enable Advanced debugging. This level of debugging allows Z and I Emulator for Web to write error messages to the Java Console, including problem determination components, and enables either a Transport or IPMonitor trace.

Both Transport and IPMonitor traces capture the telnet traffic between Z and I Emulator for Web and the host telnet server, write detailed error information to a log file, and save the log file to the client machine. The Deployment Wizard prefills the 'Log file name' field with the default file name trace.txt, but you can change it if you wish. For Unix-based client platforms, include the absolute path to where you want to save the file. For Windows client platforms, if you do not specify an absolute path, the log file will be saved to the client desktop.

Both types of Advanced tracing require a session name. If you are using the HTML-based model, the 'Session name' field is prefilled with the name of the current sessions that you are configuring. If you are using the Configuration server-based or Combined models, you must manually enter the name of the session that you want to trace.

If you want to configure additional debugging options for Transport or IPMonitor traces that are not available on the Problem Determination window, you must manually add HTML parameters to your file using the HTML parameters window in Advanced Options. Any debugging parameter that you add using the HTML parameters window takes precedence over the parameters that are automatically added when you configure them on the Problem Determination window. For example, if you want to limit the number of Transport trace entries, you would need to add the TraceOptions parameter manually because this is not an option on the Problem Determination window. To see a list of available parameters, refer to HTML parameter names and values.

For more information about Transport and IPMonitor tracing, refer to Z and I Emulator for Web tracing in the Troubleshooting Guide.

User updates

When users make changes to session properties (for example, session size, placement, colors, toolbar customizations, and macros), these changes are associated with the browser window that was used to access the HTML file and will remain in effect as long as that browser window remains active. If you allow users to make updates (the default), Z and I Emulator for Web will remember the modifications the next time the user accesses the HTML file. Otherwise, if you select No, any session modifications will be lost when the user closes the browser window.


Use the Appearance window to select a layout for displaying host sessions. Note that these options control the entire Host On-Desktop, not the sessions individually. Choices include the following:

  • Standard Z and I Emulator for Web Client: This option displays the standard Z and I Emulator for Web desktop.
  • Grid of Buttons: This option displays the Z and I Emulator for Web desktop as a grid of buttons.
  • Hide ZIEWeb Desktop at Startup: This option hides the Z and I Emulator for Web desktop and session tabs. It is useful when you want to display only the session itself, for example, in a WebSphere Portal environment where you embed your session(s) in the Portal Web page. When selecting this option, you should also configure the following two options on the Preferences > Start Options window of session properties:
    • Set the 'Start Automatically' option to Yes.
    • Set the 'Start in Separate Window' option to No.

Hide information

The following three independent options allow you to provide enhanced security by hiding certain information that would normally be visible to users. Once enabled, these options will apply to all the sessions that you are configuring for this HTML file.


The following options are typically unnecessary for configuring Z and I Emulator for Web. You should only use them if you are familiar with their usage.

There are three sets of APIs:

  • Presentation Space APIs
  • Z and I Emulator for Web Functions APIs
  • Error Reporting APIs

Server connection

Use this option to configure the client to use the configuration servlet or a different configuration server port to communicate with the Z and I Emulator for Web configuration server.

Do you want to use the configuration servlet? If you do not want the client to use the system default values that are specified in the file in the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory, do the following:
  1. Uncheck Use system defaults.
  2. Select Yes to use the configuration servlet.
  3. Specify the URL to where the configuration servlet is installed.This will automatically override the URL specified in the file.
Check your Web server or servlet engine's documentation for instructions on how to pass parameters to a servlet.

If you want the client to connect directly to the configuration server using a different port other than the default port 8999 or than the port specified in the file, do the following:

  1. Uncheck Use system defaults.
  2. Select No to use the configuration servlet.
  3. Specify the new port that the configuration server is listening on. You only need to change this from the default if you change what port the configuration server is listening on. This will automatically override the port specified in the file.


Use the Language window to select the language to use for all client desktop and session frame messages. If users with different languages plan to access this HTML file, you should select Use the System Locale from the Language drop-down list.

Maximum sessions

Configure how many concurrent sessions each user can have open. When this number is reached, a user will not be able to open any more sessions (regardless of session type) until some currently-opened sessions are closed.


This feature in ZIEWeb Deployment Wizard helps the ZIEWeb Administrator to add "meta" tags in the HTML files being generated. A new panel "Tags" is added under "Advanced Options->Other->Tags". The right pane of this new panel has text area where user can type in the meta tags to be added as per the HTML syntax.

To add the "Meta" tags follow these steps:

  • a) Go to "Advanced Options" -> Other -> Tags
  • b) Add meta tags(as per the HTML syntax) in the Text Area provided on the Right Pane. For e.g. a meta tag for disabling google indexing is <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"/>

ZIEWeb does not perform any HTML syntax validation on the content being added in the text area, what ever user adds in the text area goes as it is inside the Header tag of HTML file being generated. When a user edits an HTML file, the text area would show the previously added meta tags. And if he/she wants to add/edit/delete meta tags then this text area content should be modified accordingly. The edited HTML file will have this new content overwriting the old one.

For more information on HTML tags, see: