Schemas to View

Use this window to select the names of schemas that you want to appear in the List of available tables on the Tables tab of the SQL Wizard (or on the Table tab of the File Upload Wizard).

This window is one of several levels of filtering for the list of available tables (see

Level 5. List of selected schemas


On the left side, the list of Available schema(s) displays all schema names that are allowed to be available by the previous levels of filtering.

On the right side, the list of Selected schema(s) displays all schema names that will appear in the List of available tables.

Enter the schema name(s) to view below Use this input field to type a schema name instead of selecting it from the list of Available schema(s) below. Follow these steps:

  1. Type the schema name that you want to add to the list of Selected schema(s). (You cannot type a schema filter here.)
  2. Click Add >>.
Note If you type a schema name that is not allowed by the previous levels of filtering, then Z and I Emulator for Web does not add the schema name to the list of Selected schema(s) and does not display an error message.

Available schema(s) This list displays all schema names that are allowed to be available by the previous levels of filtering. To add one or more schema names to the list of Selected schema(s):

  1. Select the schema name or names.
  2. Click Add >>.

Selected schema(s) This list displays all schema names that will appear in the List of available tables. To remove one or more schema names from the list of Selected schema(s):

  1. Select the schema name or names.
  2. Click << Remove.

Click Select all to select all the schema names. Click Deselect all to deselect all the schema names.

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