Levels of filtering for schema names and table names

This online help file:

  • Describes the different levels of filtering for schema names and table names in Z and I Emulator for Web (including the Database On-Demand client); and
  • Describes the relationships between the different levels.

The sections in this online help file are: Area affected by the levels of filtering Summary of the levels of filtering Description of the levels of filtering Examples

Area affected by the levels of filtering

All the levels of filtering affect one single area, the list of available tables that the SQL Wizard (or the File Upload Wizard) displays at runtime. Filtering determines which schema names and table names appear in the list of available tables. See List of available tables.

Summary of the levels of filtering

This section summarizes some of the characteristics of the levels of filtering:

  • The person who implements the level of filtering.
  • The relationship of the level of filtering to the previous level.
  • Whether the level of filtering affects schemas, tables, or both.

The person who implements the level of filtering is either the system administrator of the database, the Z and I Emulator for Web administrator, or the user.

A level of filtering has one of the following two relationships to the previous level of filtering:

  • It adds more filtering to the previous level; or
  • It overrides and replaces the filtering of the previous level.

A level of filtering may affect schemas, tables, or both.

The following table shows this information for each level of filtering:

Level of filtering: Person who implements: Relationship to the previous level: Affects schemas or tables:
1 System administrator (No previous level) Schemas and tables
2 Z and I Emulator for Web administrator Adds further filtering to Level 1 Schemas and tables
3 ( If enabled by the Z and I Emulator for Web administrator) User Overrides and replaces the filtering in Level 2 Schemas and tables
4 ( If enabled by the Z and I Emulator for Web administrator) User Overrides and replaces the filtering in Level 3 Schemas and tables
5 User Adds further filtering Schemas
6 User Adds further filtering Tables

Description of the levels of filtering

  1. Level 1. Database server The system administrator controls system settings that can prevent the user from seeing the names of some schemas and tables.

  2. Level 2. Table filter defined by the Z and I Emulator for Web administrator
    • Location:
      • For a Z and I Emulator for Web client: The Table Filter field on the Tables tab of the Data Transfer Defaults window in the session properties window (not the session window) of a 3270 Display session, 5250 Display session, or VT Display session.
      • For a Database On-Demand client: The Table Filter field on the Tables tab of the User Options window (or the Group Options window) in the Administration Utility.
    • Detailed description:
    • Contents: Schema names, schema filters, table names, and table filters.
    • Effects:
      • Specifies which schema names and table names appear in the List of available tables.
      • Adds further filtering to the previous level.
    • Override option: The administrator can allow the user to override and replace the filter value of Level 2:
      • For Z and I Emulator for Web clients, enable the entry Edit Table filter on the Edit Permissions tab of the Disable Functions window (see Edit Table filter).
      • For Database On-Demand clients, enable the entry Allow editing of Table filter on the General tab of the Database On-Demand Group Options window or the Database On-Demand User Options window (see Allow editing of Table filter).

  3. Level 3. Default value for new SQL and File Upload statements for this user
    • Location:
      • For a Z and I Emulator for Web client: The Table Filter field on the Tables tab of the Data Transfer Defaults window in the session window (not the session properties window) of a 3270 Display session, 5250 Display session, or VT Display session (Actions > Data Transfer Defaults).
      • For a Database On-Demand client: The Table Filter field on the Tables tab of the User Options window on the Database On-Demand client desktop.
    • Detailed description: See Table Filter.
    • Contents: Schema names, schema filters, table names, and table filters.
    • Effects:
      • Specifies which schema names and table names appear in the List of available tables.
      • Overrides and replaces the filtering in Level 2.
      • Provides an initial value for new SQL or File Upload statements for this user.
    • Availability: Available only if the administrator enables the override option in Level 2.

  4. Level 4. Value for the current SQL or File Upload statement
    • Location: The Table Filter field on the Logon tab of the SQL Wizard or the File Upload Wizard
    • Detailed description:
    • Contents: Schema names, schema filters, table names, and table filters.
    • Effects:
      • Specifies which schema names and table names appear in the List of available tables.
      • Overrides and replaces the filtering in Level 3.
      • Affects only the current SQL or File Upload statement.
    • Availability: Available only if the administrator enables the override option in Level 2.

  5. Level 5. List of selected schemas
    • Location:
      • Java 1 browsers: The list of selected schemas in the Schema(s) to View window.
      • Java 2-enabled browsers: The list of selected schemas in the Filter Schemas window.
    • Detailed description:
    • Contents: Schema names.
    • Effects:
      • Excludes from the List of available tables any table belonging to a schema that is not in the list of selected schemas.
      • Affects only the current SQL or File Upload statement.
    • Availability: Always available.

  6. Level 6. Table name filter
    • Location:
      • Java 1 browsers: The Table name filter field in the Table Name Filter window.
      • Java 2-enabled browsers: The Table name filter field in the Filter Tables window.
    • Detailed description:
    • Contents: One table name or one table filter.
    • Effects:
      • Excludes from the List of available tables any table that is not specified in the filter.
      • Affects only the current SQL or File Upload statement.
    • Availability: Always available.


Example 1

  1. Level 1: In this example, there is no filtering in Level 1.
  2. Level 2: The Z and I Emulator for Web administrator specifies the following table filter: IBMTEST%, HODTEST01. This filter allows:
    • All schemas whose names begin with IBMTEST (such as IBMTEST01, IBMTEST204, IBMTEST_RECAP, and so on) and all tables within those schemas.
    • Schema HODTEST01 and all tables within it.

    The administrator does not allow the user to override the table filter.

  3. Level 3: The Table Filter field for Level 3 is not displayed, and therefore the user cannot override the table filter in Level 2.
  4. Level 4: The Table Filter field for Level 4 is not displayed, and therefore the user cannot override the table filter in Level 2.

    When the user logs on to the database server, the user sees only the schemas and tables allowed by the filter in Level 2.

  5. Level 5: The user can further narrow the List of available tables, by moving schema names to the list of selected schemas.
  6. Level 6: The user can further narrow the List of available tables, by specifying table names in the table name filter.

Example 2

  1. Level 1: In this example, there is no filtering in Level 1.
  2. Level 2: The Z and I Emulator for Web administrator specifies the following table filter: IBMTEST%, HODTEST01. This filter allows:
    • All schemas whose names begin with IBMTEST (such as IBMTEST01, IBMTEST204, IBMTEST_RECAP, and so on) and all tables within those schemas.
    • Schema HODTEST01 and all tables within it.

    The administrator allows the user to override the table filter.

  3. Level 3: The Table Filter field for Level 3 is displayed. The user overrides the table filter in Level 2 with a new table filter value: %. This new table filter value allows the user access to all schemas and tables. This new table filter value is the default value for new SQL statements and File Upload statements for this user.
  4. Level 4: The Table Filter field for Level 4 is displayed. The user overrides the table filter in Level 3 with a new table filter value: IBMTEST%.
    • This new table filter value allows the user access to all schemas whose names begin with IBMTEST, and all tables within those schemas.
    • This table filter value applies only to the current SQL or File Upload statement.

    When the user logs on to the database server, the user sees the schemas and tables allowed by the filter in Level 4.

  5. Level 5: The user can further narrow the List of available tables, by moving schema names (such as IBMTEST01, IBMTEST204) to the list of selected schemas.
  6. Level 6: The user can further narrow the List of available tables, by including table names in the table name filter.

Related topics:

  • Java 2-enabled browser: