Overview of IPMON tracing

Troubleshooting Guide

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IPMonitor is a Java utility you can use to collect trace information containing the session data flowing between a client and a host. You can enable IPMonitor tracing either manually or by using the Problem Determination window in Advanced Options in the Deployment Wizard. IPMonitor is an intermediary between a client and a host. The client connects to IPMonitor, while IPMonitor connects to the host. IPMonitor then records session data flowing between the client and the host. You can use IPMonitor as a Java application or as a Java applet.

  • IPMonitor v1.0 for Java is a Java application that runs on the Z and I Emulator for Web server. To collect and save a trace using this version of IPMonitor, the system administrator must:
    • assist the user in configuring the client to connect to IPMonitor, by modifying the session properties
    • configure IPMonitor to connect to the host
    • start IPMonitor on the server
    • start the client after IPMonitor is started on the server

    before you can recreate the problem and capture the trace information. The user does not need to send the trace file to the admin because the trace is stored on the Z and I Emulator for Web Server.

    IPMonitor captures encrypted data and plays it back properly, but since the data is encrypted, it cannot be used for debugging. To debug the trace correctly, before you run the IPMonitor, you must disable TLS or SSL in the session that is used for the trace. If TLS or SSL is not turned off, the data captured by IPMonitor is encrypted and is not usable for problem determination. To turn off TLS or SSL, do the following:
    1. End the session.
    2. Open the session Properties.
    3. Click Connection in the tree view.
    4. On the Connection window, make sure that the Protocol is Telnet.
    5. Save the session Properties.
  • IPMonitor v1.0 for Java, automatic mode and IPMonitor v1.0 for Java, normal mode are Java applets that run on the client. The applet establishes the connection between the current client and itself, so you do not have to modify session properties as you must do to start IPMonitor as an application. Using the IPMonitor applet, the system admin and the user do not need to work at the same time to collect the trace.

    Differences between automatic mode and normal mode include:

    • You start IPMonitor in automatic mode by right clicking on the session's icon on the desktop, and selecting Start Session with IPMonitor. The HTML file you use to start the session must include the IPMonitor HTML parameter, and must include the problem determination components. As a Z and I Emulator for Web Administrator, you can modify an HTML file so that a user can access it. The user can recreate the problem and capture trace information without your involvement. IPMonitor in automatic mode starts automatically immediately after the session starts.
    • While this version of IPMonitor is easier for the user to use and involves less administrative effort, the user is locked into the host, port and trace file path specified in the HTML file.

    • You start IPMonitor in normal mode by selecting Actions > Run Applet from the Z and I Emulator for Web session menu. The user must know and type the class name for the applet when the Run Applet window appears. IPMonitor in normal mode must be started manually after the session is connected.

      While this version of IPMonitor allows greater flexibility in changing the host or port to trace, there is more administrative effort to configuring IPMonitor.

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