IPMonitor v1.0 for Java

IPMonitor v1.0 for Java is a Java application that you can use to collect trace information containing the data flowing between a client and a host. The IPMonitor window displays:

Identifies the Z and I Emulator for Web server that the client connects to. IPMonitor runs on the same server. The name is specified in the Destination Address field of the session properties.
Identifies the port on the Z and I Emulator for Web server that the client uses to connect to IPMonitor. The port is specified in the Destination Port field of the session properties. You can edit this field.
Connection status
Displays the status of the connection between the client and IPMonitor. Status is dynamically updated when you connect or disconnect the client from IPMonitor.
Specifies the name of the host that IPMonitor connects to. You can edit this field.
Identifies the port that IPMonitor uses to connect to the host. You can edit this field.
Connection Status
Displays the status of the connection between the host and IPMonitor. Status is dynamically updated when you connect or disconnect IPMonitor from the host.
Trace file
Displays what the name and directory location of the trace file will be when the trace is saved. You can edit this field.
Starts or stops the IPMonitor trace.
Connects or disconnects the session.
Saves the trace information to the listed trace file.

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