Format of a parameter list

When you specify a parameter list (for example, in the Parameters input field of the Macro window of the Add Button dialog, as shown in row 2 of Specifying the parameter list for a macro) you must specify it in the following format:
name1="value1", name2="value2", name3="value3", ...
For example,
strRemoteFile="NewData.123", strLocalFile="MyData.123"
Here are the format rules:
  • Parameter list

    The parameter list is a series of name-value pairs. You can specify any number of pairs, so long as each pair refers to a variable that is defined in the macro.

    Use either a blank space (' '), a comma (','), or both (", ") to separate one name-value pair from the next.

  • Name-value pair
    In the name-value pair, specify the variable name, followed by an equals sign ('='), followed by the value enclosed in double quotes (""). For example,
  • Variable name

    Spell the variable name exactly as it is spelled in the macro. Letter case is significant! For example, strLocalFile is different from strLocalfile.

    You can specify the variable name with or without the enclosing dollar signs ($). Right: $strLocalFile$. Also right: strLocalFile.

    The variable must be a primitive variable, that is, a variable belonging to a standard type (integer, double, string, or boolean). You cannot specify a variable belonging to an imported type (that is, based on an imported Java class).

  • Equals sign ('=')

    An equals sign is required between the variable name and the value.

  • Variable value

    The variable value must be enclosed in double quotes ("").

    The value must be a simple value, not an expression.

    If the value belongs to a different standard data type than the variable, then Z and I Emulator for Web automatically attempts to convert the value to the correct data type in the usual way (see Automatic data type conversion).

    Rules for string variables:
    • Do not also enclose the string in single quotes. Wrong: strAddress="'123 Elm Street'". Right: strAddress="123 Elm Street".
    • To specify an empty string, use two double quotes with nothing between. Empty string: "".
    • Use escape sequences for the single quote (') and the backslash (\).
      • To specify a single quote, use \'. Example: "John\'s Business Plan".
      • To specify a backslash, use \\. Example: "c:\\Documents and Settings".
    Rules for doubles, integers, and booleans:
    • You can include extra spaces around the value. Z and I Emulator for Web will discard the extra spaces. Examples: " 10", " 423.25 ", "true ".

    Examples of each primitive variable type:
    intLineCount="24", dblLength="1441.25", strName="John Smith", boolComplete="true"