Application screen

An application screen is a meaningful arrangement of characters displayed on the Z and I Emulator for Web session window by a host application.

As you probably realize, you are already very familiar with the concept of an application screen. An example of an application screen is the ISPF Primary Option Menu, which is displayed in A sample application screen, the ISPF Primary Option Menu. (This same application screen is displayed in The ISPF Primary Option Menu.)
Figure 1. A sample application screen, the ISPF Primary Option Menu

In the figure above you can see that this application screen has menu selections displayed in a row across the top (Menu, Utilities, Compilers, Options, and so on), function key assignments displayed in a row across the bottom (F1=Help, F2=Split, and so on), a title near the top (ISPF Primary Option Menu), a list of options along the left side (0 through V), and an input field in which to type an option number or letter (Option ===>). When the user provides input, for example by typing a 3 (for Utilities) followed by the enter key, the ISPF application removes all these visible items from the session window and displays a different application screen.