Deploying a server macro library to a Web server

  1. Put your macros in a place that users can access through a Web server. This does not need to be the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory.
  2. For each session that requires a separate set of macros, create a text file that contains the list of the macro file names. The text file format can only have one macro file name per line, for example:
    Be sure to note the following rules:
    • The macro name must be the first element on the line, since everything after the first element is ignored.
    • If the first element on the line starts with //, the line is considered to be a comment and is ignored.
    • Each macro that you list in the text file must have a .mac extension.
  3. Put this text file in the same location as the macros that it references.
  4. In the Deployment Wizard, click the Configure menu on the Host Sessions window and select Server macro library... Check the 'Use a server macro library for this session' box and select Web server macro library.
  5. Specify the fully qualified URL of the macro list that you created in Step 2, for example, http://servername/zieweb/macrolist.txt. Click OK.

When users open their sessions, they can use the Play Macro or Available Macros windows to see the macros specified in the list that you created for their session. These macros are available when users select Server library as their macro location. The Server library location is only available if you have configured the session to use a server macro library.

Note: Server Macro Library can also be configured in Admin Client.