Support for Internet Protocol Version 6

Support for Internet Protocol Version 6 requires Java 1.8 or higher. Z and I Emulator for Web Version 2.0 supports Java 1.8 or higher.

An Internet Protocol is a protocol used to route data from its source to its destination through an Internet environment. An IP is an intermediary between higher protocol layers and the physical network.

Internet Protocol Version 6 is the replacement for Internet Protocol Version 4. Internet Protocol Version 6 expands the number of available IP addresses and makes improvements in routing and network configuration. Both Internet Protocol Version 6 and Internet Protocol Version 4 were designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Most of the Internet currently uses Internet Protocol Version 4. Internet Protocol Version 6 is expected to replace Internet Protocol Version 4 over a period of years.

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The Z and I Emulator for Web server also supports Internet Protocol Version 6 for the Redirector. For more information, refer to Redirector support for IPv6.