Installing the schema extensions

The Z and I Emulator for Web extensions to the LDAP directory schema are provided in several files that are located in the LDAP subdirectory of the publish directory (for example, your_install_directory\ZIEWeb\ldap, where your_install_directory is your Z and I Emulator for Web installation directory). These files contain extensions to the LDAP schema and are stored in the standard slapd format. The schema extensions must be in effect before Z and I Emulator for Web can store configuration information in an LDAP server. Contact your LDAP administrator to have these schema extensions installed.

Refer to the Program Directory for instructions on installing the schema extensions for the zSeries.

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Your LDAP administrator may have already installed these schema extensions for use by another IBM product. If so, skip these steps. If you are using the IBM Directory Server Version 3.1.1 or later, the schema is pre-installed, so you can skip these steps also.

To install the Z and I Emulator for Web schema extensions on a Netscape LDAP Directory server:

  1. Copy the following slapd files from the <Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory>/ldap directory to the Netscape LDAP config directory on the LDAP server :
  2. Stop the LDAP server.
  3. Edit the <Netscape LDAP config directory>/slapd.conf file and add the following statements:
    userat "<Netscape LDAP config directory>/"
    useroc "<Netscape LDAP config directory>/Netscape.IBM.oc"
  4. Restart the LDAP Server.

To install the Z and I Emulator for Web schema extensions on an IBM LDAP Directory server:

  1. Copy the following slapd files from the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory/ldap directory to the <installation directory>/etc directory on your LDAP server:
  2. Stop the LDAP server.
  3. Edit the <installation directory>/etc/ file and add the following statement to the end of the file:
    include /etc/
  4. Edit the <installation directory>/etc/slapd.oc.conf file and add the following statement to the end of the file:
    include /etc/V2.1.IBM.oc
  5. Restart the LDAP server.