Creating Z and I Emulator for Web plug-ins

To create and deploy these Z and I Emulator for Web plugins to run in Eclipse-Plugin, do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have an HTML-model Deployment Wizard page that defines the sessions for your plugin. You can use any existing HTML-model page or create a new one.
    Note: Only HTML-model pages are supported for the Eclipse-Plugin feature.
    Once your page is completed, put the unzipped Deployment Wizard output files into the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory.
  2. Create a directory, for example c:\update, that will be used as the Eclipse update site for your plugin(s), if you do not already have one defined. Next,
  3. Define an alias to that directory in the Web server configuration and restart the Web server.
  4. You are now ready to create the Z and I Emulator for Web plugin. On the Eclipse update site machine, open a browser, running Java JRE and point it to the Z and I Emulator for Web URL: http://<hostname>/<alias>/WCTConfig.html .
    Note: On Linux, you need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when using the IBM Java plugin.
    For example, if you want to use the Java plugin that is shipped by Z and I Emulator for Web server for Linux, use export command to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable as follows:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/hcl/Z and I Emulator for Web/zieweb_jre/jre/bin:
  5. This URL will run a special Update Site Utility applet to assist in building the plugin.
  6. Fill in the Basic Information panel of the Update Site Utility as follows:
    • Update Site Destination Directory (Required) Specify the Eclipse update site directory created in Step 2, for example c:\updates.
    • ZIEWeb Code Base (Required) This field should already be correctly filled in, if you pointed to WCTConfig.html as described in Step 3. This field needs to specify the location of the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory in the form: http://<hostname>/<alias> The Z and I Emulator for Web server name must be fully-qualified. It cannot be a relative URL name or one like “localhost” or “”.
    • Deployment Wizard Output File (Required) Specify the name of the HTML-model Deployment Wizard page created in Step 1.
    • Feature Version (Required) Specify the version string used in the generated feature in the format major.minor.service, like 1.0.0.
    • User JAR File Path (Optional) Specify the path of a jar file containing customer code used for solutions that require custom code to interact with the Z and I Emulator for Web sessions. You can specify multiple files separated by commas (,).
      Note: If you need to use the Run Applet feature, you need to package your applets in a jar file and specify the file path here.
  7. You can reduce the size of the Eclipse plugin to be created by unchecking any unnecessary features or host code pages on the Runtime Codes and the Code Pages panels of the Update Site Utility panel.
  8. When you have completed all the fields, select Generate and Deploy Plugin. The applet creates the Z and I Emulator for Web plugin, and places it in the update site you have specified.
  9. Following files are created or modified in the directory specified as Update Site Destination Directory:
    • Site map file (site.xml): This file lists the features that are installable from this update site.
    • XMLAccess script file: This file is an input of WebSphere Portal XMLAccess utility for installing Z and I Emulator for Web feature on WCS. The file names are given in the form: (deployment wizard output file name)_DeployScript.xml .
    • features subdirectory: This subdirectory contains the Z and I Emulator for Web feature archives.
    • plugins subdirectory: This subdirectory contains:
      Z and I Emulator for Web plugin Plugin itself. File name is given in the form: version).jar
      Z and I Emulator for Web code fragment Z and I Emulator for Web runtime code. File name is given in the form: name)_(plugin version).jar
      Config fragment Fragment that stores configuration information. File name is given in the form: wizard output file name)_(feature version).jar
    • images subdirectory: This subdirectory contains an image file used on WMC/WCS.

    For information about installing the plugin on the client, refer to documents that come with your Eclipse-Plugin platforms.