Starting a Database On-Demand client

To start a Database On-Demand client on the client workstation, use one of the following two methods:

  • Connect your browser to a predefined Database On-Demand HTML file, by typing the URL of the HTML file into the address field of your browser (or by clicking a link that directs the browser to that URL). The format for the URL is:
    where server_name is the host name or IP address of the Z and I Emulator for Web server, zie_alias is the alias of the publish directory, and client_name is the name of the HTML file. For example, assuming that is your Z and I Emulator for Web server and that zieweb is the alias of the publish directory, then the URL for the download version of the Database On-Demand client is:
  • Connect your browser to the HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Clients HTML file, and then click the link for the Database On-Demand client that you want to run. The URL of the Clients HTML file is:
    where server_name and zie_alias have the same meanings as above. In the name of the file dashboard_xx, the xx is a two-letter mnemonic for the language that you want to use. For example, for English, the file is named dashboard_en.html, and the full URL is (assuming the same server and alias as above):