Conventions used in this book

The following typographic conventions are used in Planning, Installing and Configuring Z and I Emulator for Web:

Table 1. Conventions used in this book

Convention Meaning
Monospace Indicates text you need to enter at a command prompt and values you need to use literally, such as commands, functions, and resource definition attributes and their values. Monospace also indicates screen text and code examples.
Italics Indicates variable values you need to provide (for example, you supply the name of a file for file_name). Italics also indicates emphasis and the titles of books.
Return Refers to the key labeled with the word Return, the word Enter, or the left arrow.
> When used to describe a menu, shows a series of menu selections. For example, “Click File > New” means “From the File menu, click the New command.”
When used to describe a tree view, shows a series of folder or object expansions. For example, “Expand Config Servlet > Sysplexes > Plex1 > J2EE Servers > BBOARS2” means:
  1. Expand the Config Servlet folder
  2. Expand the Sysplexes folder
  3. Expand the Plex1 folder
  4. Expand the J2EE Servers folder
  5. Expand the BBOARS2 folder

top Graphic Image
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top Graphic Image
This graphic is used to highlight tips for the reader.