Using Z and I Emulator for Web with a firewall

If you are configuring Z and I Emulator for Web to go through a firewall, we recommend that the firewall administrator open only those ports required for the clients to function. Telnet ports allow TLS-encrypted session traffic.

Figure 1. Session security through a firewall or proxy server

top Session security through a firewall or proxy server

If you are using the configuration server-based or combined models, the Z and I Emulator for Web configuration servlet allows Z and I Emulator for Web clients to communicate with the configuration server across either HTTP or HTTPS.

Figure 2. Configuration security with and without the configuration servlet through a firewall or proxy server

top Configuration security with and without the configuration servlet through a firewall or proxy server

For Z and I Emulator for Web clients connecting to a host system through open ports in the firewall, see Configuring firewall ports for details. For Z and I Emulator for Web clients connecting to a host system through a Socks or HTTP proxy server, see Connecting to a host system through a proxy server for details.