Set up a separate File System for the Z and I Emulator for Web private directory

When Z and I Emulator for Web is installed, files in the /usr/lpp/ZIEWeb/zieforweb/private directory are updated in an execution environment, not just by manufacturing refresh releases. Because this directory is now updated during the Z and I Emulator for Web software's execution, you are recommended to mount a separate (non-service) File System. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • MOUNT the separate File System on the current private directory location, such as /usr/lpp/ZIEWeb/zieforweb/private.
  • Create a symbolic link to the private directory location as follows:
    1. Do a TSO MKDIR to create a different mount point, such as /etc/ZIEWeb/private.
    2. Rename, or back up and delete, your original private directory.
    3. Create a symbolic link from the expected location, /usr/lpp/ZIEWeb/zieforweb/private, to point to the real location, /etc/ZIEWeb/private. Use the following link command:
      ln -s /etc/ZIEWeb/private /usr/lpp/ZIEWeb/zieforweb/private 

If you are using LDAP and native authentication, manually copy the HODrapd and the /keys directory to the system-specific /private directory.

When the system-specific /private directory is mounted, it overlays but does not destroy the master /private directory. When maintenance releases are applied, use the master /private directory. If these files are changed, copy them to the system-specific /private directory.