Validating input on a transformation

All ZIETrans rich client transformations implement the interface which provides the ability to control what happens immediately before and after a request is made to the ZIETrans runtime when a specific transformation is displayed. The primary function of this interface is to give you the opportunity to validate values supplied on a transformation by a user before a request is made to the ZIETrans runtime. If a problem is found with one or more of the user's responses, you have the ability to cancel the request, alter the parameters, alter the command, and display a message to the user.
Note: Validation should be performed in the handlePreSubmit method of your transformation class, since this method is called just before a request is made to the ZIETrans runtime. Once the request has been made, you cannot alter or cancel it.

The following sample shows how to perform validation on input provided by the user. If an invalid value is specified, the submission is cancelled and a message is displayed to the user.

If the handlePreSubmit method has not been overridden in your transformation class, following these steps:
  1. Right-click on the source of the transformation (in the Java Editor) and select Source > Override/Implement Methods
  2. Expand the RcpTransformation node and place a check next to handlePreSubmit(CommandEvent) and click OK.
  3. A stub method is inserted into the transformation source (based on your Java code style preferences, your sample code may not look like the following):
        public void handlePreSubmit(CommandEvent event) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
The following code sample shows how to perform a range check on a hypothetical part quantity field. If the quantity supplied by the user is not greater than 500, a message is displayed and the submission is cancelled. It is assumed that this field resides at row 4, column 20 of the host screen that is being transformed by this transformation. Replace your existing handlePreSubmit(CommandEvent) method with the following:
    public void handlePreSubmit(CommandEvent event) {
        // Avoid validation if the user is attempting to disconnect the session
        if (event.getCommand().equals(RuntimeConstants.CMD_DISCONNECT)) {

        // Retrieve the value of the "quantity" field using the 
        // IHostScreenDataAccessService interface
        // (which is accessed by calling the getHostScreenDataAccessService() 
        // method on the session service)
        // The getFieldValue() method takes three parameters 
        //   Returns the value of host screen field at the specified position.
        //   @param startPos The start position of the field.
        //   @param offset The offset position of the field.
        //   @param length The length of the field.
        //   @return The value of the host screen field.
        // The Component.convertRowColToPos() method converts a row, column value 
        // into a linear screen position. 
        // "5" indicates the length of the field.
        String quantityString = getSessionService().
                            getFieldValue(Component.convertRowColToPos(4, 20, 
                            getHostScreen().getSizeCols()),0, 5);

        // Convert the numeric string into an int
        int quantity = 0;
        try {
            quantity = Integer.parseInt(quantityString);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        // Check to ensure the quantity entered is greater than 500
        if (quantity < 500) {
            // Display a message to the user indicating what the problem is
                    "You must order at least 500 units.");

            // Cancel the event (this prevents the request from being made)