Editing transformations

Transformations are found in the ZIETrans Projects view under Rich Client Content > Transformations.

You can use Window Builder to edit your transformations.

You can use the Palette view in the Window Builder to add new controls to a transformation. Also, you can add ZIETrans-specific controls, such as a ComponentRendering composite. Adding a control from the palette generates Java code in the transformation. The generated code references a specific class, as shown in ZIETrans-specific controls and corresponding classes, based on the selected palette item. The palette items are available in the ZIETrans drawer of the palette:
Table 1. ZIETrans-specific controls and corresponding classes
ZIETrans-specific Palette tools Class generated in code
Component com.ibm.hats.rcp.transform.ComponentRendering
Default Rendering com.ibm.hats.rcp.transform.DefaultRendering
Macro Key com.ibm.hats.rcp.transform.MacroKey
Global Variable com.ibm.hats.rcp.transform.GlobalVariableControl
Host Key com.ibm.hats.rcp.transform.HostKey
Application Key com.ibm.hats.rcp.transform.ApplicationKey

More information about the classes listed in this table is provided in the following section.