Ensuring the Db2® libraries are available to ZDT/Db2

ZDT/Db2 requires access to the same Db2® libraries as the DB2I online utility.

You can allocate the Db2® libraries required by ZDT/Db2 using one of the following methods:
  • You can include the Db2® libraries in your TSO logon procedure; or in a CLIST or EXEC run as part of the TSO logon procedure; or in a CLIST or EXEC executed prior to the initialization of ZDT/Db2. This method is not appropriate if ZDT/Db2 will be connecting to Db2® systems at different version/maintenance levels. If you use this method you might not need to specify the Db2® libraries in the HFM2SSDM macros, but you will still need to review the contents of the HFM2POPT options module. See Changing the default options.
  • Specify the Db2® libraries in the HFM2SSDM macro entry for the Db2® system. This is the preferred method and allows ZDT/Db2 to connect to Db2® systems at different version/maintenance levels. The Db2® libraries are allocated as part of the ZDT/Db2 connect process, and de-allocated at the end of the ZDT/Db2 session, or when ZDT/Db2 connects to a different Db2® system. See HFM2SSDM.