Adding ZDT/Db2 to the Db2® Administration Launchpad

You can add ZDT/Db2 to the list of applications on the Db2® Admin Launchpad - see DB2 Administration Tool for z/OS User's Guide and Reference, Chapter 3, for a description of the Db2® Admin Launchpad and how it is customized.

You need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Define a Launchpad entry for ZDT/Db2 using the instructions in the Db2® Administration Tool manual. Use the values shown in Values for Db2 Admin Launchpad definition.
  2. Locate the sample exec, HFM2ADIN, (distributed in HFM.SHFMSAM1.)
  3. Copy HFM2ADIN to a library that is allocated to SYSEXEC DD NAME when the Db2® Admin Launchpad is active. This could be the SADBEXEC library.
  4. In your copy of HFM2ADIN, change the names for the Z Data Tools libraries in the following statements to the appropriate values, if you are not using the default values.
    shfmexec = "'HFM.SHFMEXEC'"
    shfmllib = "'HFM.SHFMMOD1'"
    shfmmlib = "'HFM.SHFMMENU'"
    shfmplib = "'HFM.SHFMPENU'"
    shfmslib = "'HFM.SHFMSLIB'"shfmtlib = "'HFM.SHFMTENU'"
  1. These instructions assume you will run ZDT/Db2 using LIBDEF/ALTLIB statements to allocate the Z Data Tools application libraries.
  2. If all the Z Data Tools application libraries are available when the Db2® Admin Launchpad is active, for example, when the libraries have been allocated in the user's TSO logon procedure, you can remove all the statements to assign the Z Data Tools libraries and to initiate and terminate the LIBDEFs and ALTLIB libraries. In this situation you should copy the sample exec to the Z Data Tools exec (SHFMEXEC) library.
Table 1. Values for Db2® Admin Launchpad definition
Admin Tool Field Value
PID 19OP1220
REL 110
NAME Z Data Tools Db2®
GRP Choose a value (1..4)