Checklist for installing and customizing Z Data Tools to access CICS resources

Z Data Tools can use ZDT/CICS to access CICS resources from different environments. The following checklist defines the required installation and customization tasks for each environment.

For more information about these environments, see Preparing to access CICS resources from Z Data Tools.

The following table outlines for each environment from which Z Data Tools can be invoked, the installation steps required so that Z Data Tools can use ZDT/CICS to access CICS resources.

Table 1. Summary of installation steps required based on the environment
Step Description CICS via the ZCC server CICS via a batch job TSO/ISPF Batch JCL
__ 1 Update your CICS® startup procedures - required. See Updating the CICS startup procedures.
__ 2 Customize TCP/IP, if necessary. See Customizing for CICS TCP/IP.
__ 3 Provide OMVS segments for the CICS® region user ID and other users - required. See Providing OMVS segments for ZDT/CICS users.
__ 4 Customize ZCC server. See Customizing the ZCC server.
__ 5 Customize to run Base function ZDT, ZDT/IMS and ZDT/Db2 through ZDT/CICS, if necessary. See Accessing other Z Data Tools functions from the primary option menu.
__ 6 Customize for ZDT/CICS on interconnected CICS® regions. See Providing CICS resource definitions for ZDT/CICS on interconnected regions.
__ 7 Set up for External CICS Interface (EXCI) access. See Setting up the External CICS interface (EXCI) access
__ 8 Customize the ZDT/CICS batch procedure. See Customizing the batch procedure.
__ 9 Modify and run the installation job, HFMCINST. See Modifying and submitting HFMCINST.
__ 10 Modify and run the installation job, HFM3INST - required. See Modifying and submitting HFM3INST and HFM3PRFD.
__ 11 Change the default options. See Changing the default options.
__ 12 Customize the ZDT/CICS security environment. See Customizing the ZDT/CICS security environment.
__ 13 Customize CICS® security for ZDT/CICS. See CICS security and ZDT/CICS.
__ 14 Determine how to customize the ZDT/CICS audit facility. See Alternatives for controlling Z Data Tools CICS auditing.
__ 15 Customize ZDT/CICS for national languages. See Customizing ZDT/CICS for national languages.
__16 Verify the installation and customization of ZDT/CICS. See Verifying the customization of ZDT/CICS