Modifying and submitting HFMCINST

All of the CICS® definitions in this task are required for any of the ways Z Data Tools accesses CICS resources.

You modify HFMCINST as follows:
  1. Copy the member HFMCINST from HFM.SHFMSAM1 into your own JCL library.
  2. Change HFMCINST in your library as follows:
    1. Change the job card to meet your site's requirements.
    2. Change CICSHLQ= to the high-level qualifier for your CICS libraries.
    3. Change LEHLQ= to the high-level qualifier for your Language Environment® libraries. remove the reference if Language Environment is available from LINKLIST.
    4. Change CS= to the data set name of the DFHCSD file.
You can also change the CICS resource definition names listed in ZDT/CICS resource definition names in the DFHCSDUP step in HFMCINST. Note that changing some of these names also requires a change to the ZDT/CICS options in HFM3POPI. See HFM3POPI for information about changing HFM3POPI.

If necessary, change RESSEC for the transactions HFM or HFMV to RESSEC(YES), if you plan to use CICS security to protect resources accessed by these transactions.

Table 1. ZDT/CICS resource definition names
Resource name Description HFM3POPI change required?
HFM Transaction - ZDT/CICS invocation No
HFMV Transaction - verify user ID Yes
HFMM Transient Data queue for ZDT/CICS message log. Yes