Scrollable input and display fields for long names

Some ZDT/CICS panels have scrollable fields that allow you to input or view longer values than can be displayed at the one time.

There are two types of scrollable fields on ZDT/CICS panels:
Input fields
The fields on ZDT/CICS panels where you can enter information, such as the start position on the Browse, Edit, or View entry panels.
Display fields
The fields on ZDT/CICS panels that display information as a result of some action you have taken.
Scrollable fields have one of the following characters after the end of the entry field:
Plus sign. Indicates the field is scrollable to the right
Minus sign. Indicates the field is scrollable to the left
Plus sign and minus sign. Indicates the field is scrollable to the right or left
If the length of the field displayed on the panel is insufficient for the value you want to input or view, you can either:
  • Progressively scroll to the right with the Right function key (F11) or by entering the RIGHT primary command (with the cursor positioned within the field), or
  • Press the Expand function key (F4) if available, or enter the EXPAND or ZEXPAND primary command, to display a pop-up window that allows you to input or view the whole field.

    In the expand pop-up window, you can toggle the view of the data between character and hex by issuing the commands HEX OFF and HEX ON.

Deleting data in scrollable input fields

If you want to delete all the data in a field that is displayed as a scrollable input field, take care to ensure that you do, in fact, delete all the data (and not just the displayed data).

If you use the field delete key combination to delete data, ZDT/CICS deletes only the data that is currently displayed. If the field contains more data than is displayed, the undisplayed data is left undeleted.

Tip: Before deleting data in a field that is displayed as a scrollable field, first display the entire contents of the field by pressing the Expand function key (F4) or entering the EXPAND primary command. You can then use the field delete key combination to delete all data in the field at once.

For more information about working with scrollable fields, see the section "Primary commands for scrollable fields" in the ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference.