Updating one or more templates

The Template Update Utility allows you to update one or more templates in either foreground or batch.

You can filter template member selection to select only templates that reference a certain copybook or copybooks. You can specify a generic copybook filtering name.

  1. Select option 7. Templates from the Primary Option Menu panel to display the Copybook and Template Utility Functions panel.
  2. Select option 4. Update from the Copybook and Template Utility Functions panel to display the Template Update Utility panel.
  3. On the Template Update Utility panel, enter the details to select the templates you want to update:
    • In the Template Data set name field, specify a fully-qualified or generic data set name to identify the data set (which must be partitioned).
    • In the Template Member field, you can specify the name of a member of a partitioned data set.
    • In the Template Copybook filter field, you can specify up to 4 member names or patterns to be used as a filter so that only templates referencing those copybooks, or copybooks that match the member patterns, are selected for processing.
  4. In the Output Template Data set name field, you can specify a fully-qualified or generic data set name to identify the output data set where the updated templates are to be stored. If you leave this field blank, then the update takes place on the input data set.
  5. In the Output Template Member mask field, you can specify a rename mask so that the updated templates are stored under an alternative name.
  6. Select the processing options:
    • To run the function in batch, select Batch execution.
    • To replace like-named members in the output partitioned data set, select Replace members.
    • To specify a range of members to be selected, rather than a specific or generic member name, select Advanced member selection.
    • To use the library data sets specified on the entry panel select Use library data sets.
    • To run without showing the member selection list, select Skip member list. This option bypasses the member list panel and processes all the qualifying members. If an error (like a duplicate output name) results from the specified parameters, then the member list panel is displayed with the errors highlighted.
    • To run the function without saving the resulting members, select Check mode - no update.
    • If necessary, select the Preserve copybook library option to ensure that, if a copybook still exists in the library that it was previously found in and that library is in the list that the update is using, then that version of the copybook is used if:
      • This option is not selected, or
      • The copybook no longer exists in the library it was previously found in, or
      • That library is not in the list the update is using then the utility searches the libraries in the order they are listed and uses the first version of the copybook that it finds.
  7. If you have selected the Use library data sets option, you can specify up to twelve copybook library names in the Library data sets Data set name fields.

    The copybook library names referenced in the template are changed to the copybook library names specified in these fields. The new library data sets are used to locate and compile the copybooks during the update process, so you need to ensure that all the copybooks referenced in all the templates selected are available in the libraries you specify to avoid update errors occurring.

  8. Press Enter. Unless you have selected the Skip member list processing option, Z Data Tools displays a member list of templates like those shown in Member list of templates.
    Figure 1. Member list of templates
      Process   Options   Help
     Z Data Tools               Template Update Utility                Row 1 of 104
     Input data set  'HFM.RFM0047.TEMPLATE'
     Update data set 'HFM.RFM0047.TEMPLATE'
     Sel Name     Prompt       Created     Updated              Lang   Ver
         ABEND                 2004/02/11  2004/02/11 09:09:15  COBOL    1
         BIGCHAR               2004/07/14  2006/06/28 16:12:31  COBOL    1
         BIGCOPY               2003/12/17  2003/12/17 14:39:16  COBOL    1
         BIGCOP2               2004/02/11  2004/02/11 10:12:10  COBOL    1
         BIGKSDS               2001/08/10  2001/08/16 13:54:23  COBOL    1
    Press F11 (Right) to scroll right to display the Description column, and F10 (Left) to return to the original display.
  9. In the prefix area (Sel), type any of the following prefix commands and press Enter to perform the associated action:
    • To browse a template, type the B prefix command. The member is displayed using the ISPF Browse panel (not the Z Data Tools Browse panel).
    • To invoke template editing, type the E prefix command. Z Data Tools invokes template editing.
    • To invoke the template source definition edit and interactive update process for the template, type the U prefix command. Z Data Tools displays the Copybook Selection panel.
    • To select a template for updating, type the S prefix command. Z Data Tools saves the updated template.

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