Template Update Utility panel

There are two forms of the Template Update Utility panel, the entry panel (shown in Template Update Utility - entry panel) and the member list panel (shown in Template Update Utility - member list).

The member list panel is displayed after you have specified the required details on the entry panel and pressed Enter.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Template Update Utility - entry panel
  Process   Options   Help
 Z Data Tools           Template Update Utility                     Top of data

    Data set name .                                               
    Member  . . . .             Blank or pattern for member list
    Copybook filter                                               
 Output Template:
    Data set name .                                               
    Member mask . .         
 Processing Options:
    Enter "/" to select option            Enter "/" to select option
       Batch execution                       Replace members
       Advanced member selection             Use library data sets
       Skip member list                      Check mode - no update
       Preserve copybook library
 Library data sets:
 Data set name 1                                           
 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
Data set name
Data set name. Must be a PDS(E).
You can enter a member name, or pattern, or leave blank. If you select advanced member selection, then this name constitutes the first name on the member range panel.
Copybook filter
Up to 4 member names or patterns used as a filter so that only templates referencing those copybooks, or copybooks that match the patterns, are selected for processing.
Output Template
This is an optional data set and can be used to provide an alternative data set for the resultant updated templates.
Data set name
Must be a PDS or PDSE identifying where the update templates are to be stored.
Member mask
This is a rename mask and allows the updated templates to be stored under an alternative name.

Specify a pattern to rename members in the output partitioned data set based on the member names in the input partitioned data set. A member name pattern can consist of any characters that are valid in a member name and two special pattern characters: the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%).

A place-holding character that means multiple characters with no change. Only one asterisk should appear in the mask. Any subsequent asterisk characters are treated as percent signs.
For example, if you enter:
the renamed members will all begin with ABC followed by the remainder of the old member name.
A place-holding character that means a single character with no change. As many percent symbols as necessary may appear anywhere in a member name.
For example, if you enter:
the first 3 characters of the renamed members remain unchanged, the fourth character is replaced with the letter "A", and the remainder of the old member name are unchanged.
Processing Options
Batch execution
Allows you to edit batch JCL to run the function in batch.
Replace members
Replaces like-named members in an output partitioned data set.
Advanced member selection
Allows you to specify a range of members to be selected, rather than a specific or generic member name.
Use library data sets
Uses the library data sets specified on the entry panel.
Skip member list
Runs without showing the member selection list. This option bypasses the member list panel and processes all the qualifying members. If an error (like a duplicate output name) results from the specified parameters, then the member list panel is displayed with the errors highlighted.
Preserve copybook library
Ensures that, if a copybook still exists in the library that it was previously found in and that library is in the list that the update is using, then that version of the copybook is used.

If you do not select this option, or the copybook no longer exists in the library it was previously found in, or that library is not in the list the update is using, then the utility searches the libraries in the order they are listed and uses the first version of the copybook that it finds.

Check mode - no update
Runs the function without saving the resulting members. Normally used to check for errors.
Library data sets
These fields are only used when the Use library data sets option is selected. If selected, the copybook library names referenced in the template are changed to copybook library names specified in these fields. The new library data sets are used to locate and compile the copybooks during the update process, so you need to ensure that all the copybooks referenced in all the templates selected are available in the libraries you specify to avoid update errors occurring.
Figure 2. Template Update Utility - member list
  Process   Options   Help
 Z Data Tools               Template Update Utility                Row 1 of 104

 Input data set  'HFM.RFM0047.TEMPLATE'
 Update data set 'HFM.RFM0047.TEMPLATE'

 Sel Name     Prompt       Created     Updated              Lang   Ver
     ABEND                 2004/02/11  2004/02/11 09:09:15  COBOL    1
     BIGCHAR               2004/07/14  2006/06/28 16:12:31  COBOL    1
     BIGCOPY               2003/12/17  2003/12/17 14:39:16  COBOL    1
     BIGCOP2               2004/02/11  2004/02/11 10:12:10  COBOL    1
     BIGKSDS               2001/08/10  2001/08/16 13:54:23  COBOL    1
     BUGGY                 2004/06/24  2004/06/25 10:56:12  COBOL    1
     CJM01A                2004/06/15  2004/06/15 12:59:06  COBOL    1
     CNOTFND               2006/07/18  2006/07/18 13:59:25  COBOL    1
     COMPERR               2006/06/09  2006/06/22 09:45:08  COBOL    1
     COPYTST               2006/01/10  2006/07/07 08:28:28  COBOL    1
     COPY01                2006/02/28  2006/07/26 23:31:29  COBOL    1
     COPY0102              2005/05/03  2006/07/26 23:31:32  COBOL    1
     CRITERR               2006/07/18  2006/07/18 15:08:00  COBOL    1
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 
  F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F4=Expand  F5=RFind   F7=Up      F8=Down
  F9=Swap   F10=Left   F11=Right  F12=Cancel
Prefix area. You can enter the following prefix commands:
Performs an ISPF BROWSE command against the member. The member is displayed using the ISPF Browse panel, not the Z Data Tools Browse panel.
Invoke Z Data Tools Base component template editing.
Select for template update.
Invoke the template source definition edit and update process for the template.
Name of the member.
Status values relevant to the action being performed.
The date the template was created.
For templates, this is the last changed date. For IMS views and extract criteria, this is the last time this was updated from its originating template
The original language of the copybooks from which the fields in the template were derived.
The version or level of the template.
(To view, scroll right with the Right function key, F11.) The first line of the description that can be entered using the DESCRIBE command during template editing.

Parent panels

Child panels

  • None.

Related tasks and examples