Working with packed data in Edit

In Edit, you can convert packed data to an unpacked format and non-packed data to packed format, by issuing the PACK ON or PACK OFF command before you save your data.

To convert data to ISPF PACK format:

  1. Open a data set member that is not in ISPF PACK format.
  2. Perform any editing changes you want to make.
  3. Enter the PACK ON command on the Command line.
  4. Enter the SAVE, FILE or EXIT command.
Note: You do not need to have the Recognize and interpret ISPF packed data option selected in order to convert data to packed format. However, you need to have the option on, to be able to edit this data after it has been packed.

To unpack data that has been stored in ISPF PACK format:

  1. Ensure that the Recognize and interpret ISPF packed data option has been selected in the relevant Editor Options panel.
  2. Open the packed data set member.
  3. Enter the PACK OFF command on the Command line.
  4. Enter the SAVE, FILE or EXIT command.
Note: You cannot unpack data unless Z Data Tools is able to recognize and interpret the packed data format.

You can also pack or unpack data set members as you copy a member to another data set or data set member.