Displaying your current editor options

To display your current editor options while in an editor session (from the Edit panel or View panel), enter the PROFILE primary command.

Editor options displayed during an editor session shows an example of editor options displayed during an editor session.

Figure 1. Editor options displayed during an editor session
  Process   Options   Help
 View             HFMUSER.DATA(DATA1)                            Rec 0 of 40
                                                   Record 0         Format TABL
 REC-TYPE NAME                 EMPLOYEE-NO     AGE   SALARY    MONTH(1)
 #2       #3                            #4      #5       #6          #7
 AN 1:2   AN 3:20                  BI 23:2 BI 25:2  PD 27:4     BI 31:4
 <>       <---+----1----+---->      <---+>  <---+> <---+--> <---+----1>
 ****  Top of data  ****
 ....BOUNDS 1-*...CAPS OFF...CASE OFF...PACK OFF...PREFIX OFF...................
 ....SHOW(UNGROUP)....NOTSEL OFF...SUPPRESSED OFF...............................
 ....TEMPLATE HFMUSER.DATA......................................................
 ....JUST OFF...OFFSET 0...PIC OFF...RDF ON...REFS ON...........................
 ....SLOC OFF...STR OFF...TYPE ON...............................................
 01       Grant Smith                 7712      35    70000           6
 01       Andrew Apple                6645      53    78500          30
 01       Graham Prestcott            5583      28    48000           7
 01       Bill Somers                 4418      33    68000           5
 01       Ted Dexter                  3327      52    60250          14
 01       Roddy Armstrong             5683      34    77000          28
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 
  F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F7=Up
  F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

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