Verifying the results of the data import with the Analyzer

After you complete the collection and import of Inquisitor and Usage Monitor data, use the Analyzer to verify that the import was successful.


  1. Review the HZASANP1 PARMLIB library settings and modify if necessary.
    These settings specify the Z Asset Optimizer administrator user ID and password.
  2. Run the HZASANLO JCLLIB job on the test Repository database.
    This job, typically, runs continually but you can enter the F HZASANLO, STOP command to stop it.
  3. On your PC browser, logon to the Analyzer utility with the values specified in member HZASANP1 of PARMLIB library.
  4. Review the Analyzer reports to confirm that all expected products have been identified.
    If a product is missing, perform the following tasks to identify the reason why a product is not included:
    • Check that the product is in the GKB and report any missing product to HCL support so that they can provide an updated GKB for the product.
    • If the product exists in the GKB, check that the product is installed on the test z/OS®. If the product is not installed on the test z/OS®, run the Inquisitor utility on a system where the product is installed and then import that data into the test database.