Preparing local environment settings

After installation, you can create a custom version of any job in the JCLLIB library or any parameter in the PARMLIB library, by copying and editing the relevant job in the HZASCUST member in the hza.SHZASAMP data set.

Depending on your environment, you can define parameters for the following environments:
  • Db2®
  • SQLite
  • Remote configuration

The DBTYPE parameter determines the environment and creates the jobs to customize and run the product in that environment.

Review the HZASCUST job parameters before you begin. A database administrator and a system programmer are required to perform the customization. After you make the required changes, submit the job. The JCL creates or reuses two output PDSE libraries and two sequential data sets.

The job creates the following PDSE libraries:
  • The JCLLIB library contains Job Control Language (JCL) scripts that implement and operate the product.
  • The PARMLIB library contains predefined parameters that the JCL scripts reference.
The job creates the following sequential datasets:
  • The UM.HLQIDS sequential data set is referenced by the Usage Monitor on creation, and contains a single record.
  • The ZAOLOCK sequential data set is a dummy file used for serialization.

General parameters

The following table lists the general parameters that you must consider for all environments.
Table 1. General customization parameters
Parameter Description
SET HZA You must set this JCL parameter to the high-level qualifiers of the target libraries created by the SMP/E installation process. The default parameter is HZA.V220.
SET ISP The customization tool uses ISPF services to customize the parameters and JCL for the user. This parameter specifies the high-level qualifiers for the ISPF target libraries. The default parameter begins with ISP.
DBTYPE This parameter determines the environment and creates the JCL and parameters for that environment:
  • DB2®
  • REMOTE: The product collects Inquisitor and Usage Monitor data at remote sites and no database is required.

Required settings for all database types

The following table lists the required settings for all databases.

Table 2. Required settings for all databases
Parameter Description
MSGCLASS JES message class
MSGLEVEL JES message level
CEERUN This parameter specifies the fully qualified Language Environment® CEERUN data set.
CBCDLL This parameter specifies the fully qualified Language Environment® CBCDLL C++ runtime data set.
HZAINST This parameter specifies the high-level qualifier of the JCLLIB, PARMLIB, and sequential data sets that are created by running the HZASCUST job. If the JCLLIB and PARMLIB data sets exist, they are reused and members are replaced. The sequential data sets are either created or reused. The name specified for this parameter must be less than, or equal to, 19 characters in length.

Note: For SQLite only. If you are migrating from Z Asset Optimizer, Version 1.1, use back the same value specified for this parameter. If you use a different value, a new zFS file will be created and the migration will fail.

Settings for Db2® and SQLite databases

The following table lists the settings for Db2® and SQLite databases.

Table 3. Settings for Db2® and SQLite databases
Parameter Description
SYS System where database resides
REPZSCHM This parameter is used as a full qualifier for the tables and index definitions in the repository, and as a part qualifier for the tables and index definitions in the local knowledge base, and local knowledge base for z/OS® UNIX®. The REPZSCHM name must be less than, or equal to, 8 characters in length.

If you are migrating from Z Asset Optimizer, Version 1.1, use back the same value specified for this parameter. If you use a different value, the migration will fail.

GKBZSCHM This parameter is part of the table qualifier and the index definitions qualifier for the GKB, GKB for z/OS® UNIX®, and Inquisitor filters. The GKBZSCHM name must be less than, or equal to, 8 characters in length.

If you are migrating from Z Asset Optimizer, Version 1.1, use back the same value specified for this parameter. If you use a different value, the migration will fail.

For Db2® only:

If you have multiple version 1.1 repositories sharing the same version 1.1 GKB database, you need to phase the migration process. See Migrating from version 1.1 to HCL Z Asset Optimizer version 2.2 (Db2® database), Migration planning and consideration, Step 4.

DBADMIN DBADMIN is an optional parameter. For a Db2® database, this parameter specifies the list of user IDs that are granted administrator access to the database and its contents. Specify an empty string if you do not want to grant adminstrator access to user IDs for the database specified in DB and DBGKB. For SQLite, this parameter specifies the list of user IDs that can connect to the z/OS® RACF® group.
SIZE This parameter specifies the initial space allocation for Db2® and SQLite table spaces of the three largest tables. The default value of SIZE is 1.

Db2® database settings

The following table lists the Db2® database settings.

Table 4. Db2® database settings
Parameter Description
DB This parameter specifies the name of the repository database that the product uses to store all of the information that it gathers other than from the GKB. The DB name must be less than, or equal to, 8 characters in length.

If you are migrating from Z Asset Optimizer, Version 1.1, use back the same value specified for this parameter. If you use a different value, the migration will fail.

DBGKB This parameter defines a single GKB database that is accessed by multiple repositories under the same Db2® subsystem. The DBGKB name must be less than, or equal to, 8 characters in length, and must not have the same name as the name defined for DB.

If you are migrating from Z Asset Optimizer, Version 1.1, use back the same value specified for this parameter. If you use a different value, the migration will fail.

For Db2® only:

If you have multiple version 1.1 repositories sharing the same version 1.1 GKB database, you need to phase the migration process. See Migrating from version 1.1 to HCL Z Asset Optimizer version 2.2 (Db2® database), Migration planning and consideration, Step 4.

DB2LOAD This parameter specifies the fully qualified SDSNLOAD data set name.
DB2EXIT This parameter specifies the fully qualified SDSNEXIT data set name. If the DB2EXIT library does not exist, use the same value as the DB2LOAD parameter.
DBSSID This parameter specifies the Db2® subsystem ID on the z/OS® system.
LOC This parameter specifies the CLI/ODBC location for the Db2® subsystem ID on the z/OS® system. You can use the DB2® DISPLAY DDF command to determine the location.
SETSQLID This parameter is used in SET CURRENT SQLID to allow a different user to define Db2® objects. This parameter is optional. The SETSQLID value must be less than, or equal to, 8 characters in length.
SGHZATAB This parameter specifies the storage group name for small tables in the database. The default value is SGHZATAB (same as the parameter name). Consult your Db2® database administrator for security implications and naming conventions. See the SQL statement CREATE STOGROUP for more information.
SGHZABIG This parameter specifies the storage group name for large tables in the database. The default value is SGHZABIG (same as the parameter name). Consult your Db2® database administrator for security implications and naming conventions. See the SQL statement CREATE STOGROUP for more information.
SGHZAIDX This parameter specifies the storage group name for indexes in the database. The default value is SGHZAIDX (same as the parameter name). Consult your Db2® database administrator for security implications and naming conventions. See the SQL statement CREATE STOGROUP for more information.
SGTABCAT This parameter specifies the VCAT of the Db2® table space data set names for small tables in the database. Consult your Db2® database administrator for security implications and disk storage requirements. This parameter is referenced by storage group name parameter SGHZATAB.
SGTABVOL This parameter specifies the names of the volumes that the table space data sets for small tables are allocated on. This parameter is referenced by storage group name parameter SGHZATAB.
SGBIGCAT This parameter specifies the VCAT of the Db2® table space data set names for large tables in the database. Consult your Db2® database administrator for security implications and disk storage requirements. This parameter is referenced by storage group name parameter SGHZABIG.
SGBIGVOL This parameter specifies the names of the volumes that the table space data sets for large tables are allocated on. This parameter is referenced by storage group name parameter SGHZABIG.
SGIDXCAT This parameter specifies the VCAT of the Db2® data set names for indexes in the database. Consult your Db2® database administrator for security implications and disk storage requirements. This parameter is referenced by storage group name parameter SGHZAIDX.
SGIDXVOL This parameter specifies the names of the volumes that the data sets, for indexes, are allocated on. This parameter is referenced by storage group name parameter SGHZAIDX.
  • BPDB
  • BPTS
  • BPIX
These parameters specify the buffer pool definitions for the database, table spaces, and indexes. For BPIX, the buffer pool size must be defined as 8K, 16K, or 32K.

SQLite database settings

The following table lists SQLite database settings.

Table 5. SQLite database settings
Parameter Description
SQLTZFS The name of a zFS linear VSAM data set that is used for Z Asset Optimizer SQLite databases.

If you are migrating from Z Asset Optimizer, Version 1.1, use back the same value specified for this parameter. If you use a different value, the migration will fail.

SQLTPATH USS directory where the SQLTZFS data set is mounted. The HZASDB01 job in JCLLIB creates this path at a later time.

If you are migrating from Z Asset Optimizer, Version 1.1, use back the same value specified for this parameter. If you use a different value, the migration will fail.